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How to Apply for the APSCUF State Scholarship Program

To apply, you must download the application packet, (RTF Format Document), fill it out, and mail it, postmarked by March 7, 2008, to:

State APSCUF Scholarship Program
c/o Director for Membership Services
P.O. Box 11995
Harrisburg, PA  17108

Following are the guidelines and requirements:

1. State APSCUF Scholarship eligibility rules: Must be a family member of an APSCUF/APSCURF member in good standing or an APSCUF staff member. For the purposes of this program, family member is defined as the following: spouse, child, parent, parent in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, domestic partner and any children who may be born to or adopted by one of the persons in a partnership or for whom one of the persons is the primary caregiver or financially responsible, nieces, nephews and grandchildren.

2. An eligible applicant must be enrolled at one of the fourteen (14) state-owned universities.

3.  Scholarship will be awarded to an eligible applicant for the pursuit of either an undergraduate degree or graduate degree.  For an undergraduate degree, the applicant must have completed and passed 30 credits with at least a 2.75 GPA.  For a graduate degree, the applicant must have completed and passed nine (9) credits with at least a 3.0 GPA.  All of the above stated credits must have been obtained at one of the fourteen (14) state-owned universities (no outside transfers).

4.  Transcripts must accompany the application with the stated Grade Point Average of all completed credits.

5.  Essay must accompany the application.  Please note:  The essay’s topic is “How my education and accomplishments are preparing me for my future goals.” (500 words, typed and double-spaced).

6.  Must obtain reference letters from two different FULL DUES PAYING APSCUF/APSCURF members.  Membership confirmation can be verified at the local APSCUF office.

7.  State APSCUF Scholarship award will only be presented once to an eligible applicant in his/her higher education career. One (1) $3,000.00 State APSCUF Scholarship will be presented  in August 2008.

8. State APSCUF’s Special Services Committee will review, evaluate and select the winner from all eligible applications/essays received.  In no case shall an APSCUF Special Services Committee member take part in the consideration of an applicant if that applicant is a part of the Committee member’s family as defined above or if a Committee member submits a reference letter on behalf of an applicant.

9.  Completed application, essay and written reference letters, must be forwarded to: State APSCUF Scholarship Program, C/O Director for Membership Services
PO Box 11995 Harrisburg PA  17108.

All materials must be clearly postmarked by a recognized postal service no later than March 7, 2008.  A complete application packet can be downloaded from www.apscuf.org or you can obtain one at the local APSCUF office.


Negotiations Update for Students #2 (PDF)

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