
  • This election is for Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
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The nominees for Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative are:

Steven L. Broitman
Marc Gagne
Douglas McConatha
Michael Moran
Cherise Pollard
Jerry Williams

Nominations close Mar 19, 2008.
Tenured Faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • Each department can have at most one representative on the university wide Tenure and Promotion Committee.
    • Membership on the committee is restricted to the following structure: 4 faculty representatives from the College of Arts and Sciences, 1 faculty representative from each of the Schools of Health Sciences, Education, Music, and Business and Public Affairs, and 1 faculty representative from the non-classroom faculty.
    • The election is decided by majority of those casting votes unless such results violate the previous rules or the number of candidates does not exceed the number of positions to fill. In the later case, each candidate will be voted on by an approve/disapprove ballot. If an insufficient number of candidates recieve a majority, a run-off election will be held between the top two elligible candidates. If there is only one elligible candidate for such a run-off, an approve/disapprove ballot will be used.
    • Vacant seats will be filled one at a time with the current vacant seat filled by the candidate with the highest vote count. As each seat is filled, the candidate filling that seat and any other candidates from the same department as the candidate filling that seat will be disqualified. Votes cast for disqualified candidates, as just defined, will not be considered in filling remaining vacant seats.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.

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Steven L. Broitman

Department: Biology

I have decided to run for election to TeP for another term of service. Having previously served on this committee I am strongly aware of the importance of this work. With over 20 years on the faculty here, I have a pretty fair understanding of how the institution functions (and sometimes doesn’t….), and I also have a fairly realistic perspective on what are appropriate (and reasonable) standards by which to evaluate faculty. Having also fully completed the tenure and promotion process I also have a appreciation for the difficulties entailed in sometimes fulfilling these various (and sometimes competing) expectations. My previous work on this committee confirmed my belief that this duty must be executed with an extremely vigorous and exhaustive commitment to consistency and fairness in order for the process to remain legitimate. Thus, I am seeking election for another term.

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Marc Gagne

Department: Geology & Astronomy

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Douglas McConatha

Department: Anthropology and Sociology

At this stage in WCU's history I think the role of the Tenure and Promotion Committee is more critical than ever, particularly given the recent and continuing assaults on tenure and rank. I have a strong record of Scholarship, Service and Teaching from my more than 20 years at WCU and I would like to assist in preserving the opportunities and options afforded to me when I was recognized by the committee via the granting of promotion and tenure. It is important to make sure that each faculty member is evaluated fairly and objectively when they reach a promotion and/or tenure milestone. I would like to be able to assist in rewarding the strengths of each applicant as they add to the overall value of our university.

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Michael Moran

Department: Chemistry

I ask for your vote in the election of CAS representatives to TeP. I would welcome the honor to serve on this important committee again. A brief resumé of my relevant experience includes: 26 years on the WCU faculty in the Chemistry Department; prior service on TeP both as a member and one term as chair (when it was TePSEL); two terms as Chemistry Department chair and 10 years as department assistant chair, several department evaluation committees, some as chair; and one stint on a department evaluation committee outside my own department. I believe that evaluation committees (department level and TeP) and search committees are among the most influential at the University, and should I be elected I would endeavor to discharge my responsibilities as a member of TeP with fairness, and with the diligence due to such an important position. Thank you for your support.

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Cherise Pollard

Department: English

If elected to serve on TeP, I will bring several years of experience as a contributing member of several important departmental evaluative and advisory committees. I will also bring my critical experience as a reviewer of grant proposals written by faculty from departments and disciplines across campus.

Since I joined the WCU faculty in January 2000, I have been an active member of the Department of English. In recent years, my colleagues have elected me to serve as a member of our departmental evaluation committee. On this committee, I have worked hard with my fellow members to maintain equitable standards of evaluation for our tenure-track faculty. I have also been elected to serve as a member of the Department of English's Chair's Advisory Committee. On the university level, last year, I was co-chair of the Faculty Development Committee. Serving on this committee has given me the invaluable experience of fairly evaluating grant proposals written by teacher-scholars across campus.

If I am elected to serve on the TeP Committee, I will draw upon the insight that I have gained during the process of becoming the first African American woman to achieve tenure in the Department of English. My decisions will also be informed by my committment to fair and equitable evaluation for every one of my colleagues across campus.

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Jerry Williams

Department: Foreign Languages

Service on TeP is a full-time commitment. Members need to be aware of changing and emerging issues on campus that affect tenure and promotion, the expanding nature of academic disciplines, and the areas of teaching and scholarship represented by our faculty. TeP members must be able to evaluate the contributions of faculty in the areas of service, teaching, and scholarship. I bring to TeP a strong record of responsible and accountable campus leadership and service, demonstrated experience as a teacher and researcher, and a working knowledge of and familiarity with tenure and promotion policies and practices. I believe that I am effective advocate for faculty on our campus, and ask you to support my TeP nomination.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12