
  • This election is for Special Election for Budget Review Committee Faculty Representatives. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Special Election for Budget Review Committee Faculty Representatives election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Special Election for Budget Review Committee Faculty Representatives are:

John B. Craig
Sandra Walz

Nominations close Oct 2, 2019.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • This election is for two faculty representative seats on the Budget Review Committee. The representatives must be from the College Arts and Humanities, College of Health Sciences, University College, or the Wells School of Music and the representatives cannot be from the same college.
    • Only faculty from the College Arts and Humanities, College of Health Sciences, University College, or the Wells School of Music may be nominated for this election.
    • The election will be decided by a plurality of votes cast. The candidate with the highest number of votes will be seated first. Any candidates from the same college as the nominee with the highest number of votes will be disqualified. Of the remaining candidates, the one with the next highest votes will be elected to the second seat.
    • Candidates should be aware that there is a meeting on October 9th at 8:30 am. The election is scheduled to be completed on October 7th.

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John B. Craig

Department: Educational Services University College

I would be honored to serve on the Budget Review Committee. It would be a great learning opportunity for me to explore ways in which the university leverages our funds in support of our institutional mission. I humbly ask for your vote to be the faculty member representing University College.

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Sandra Walz

Department: Nutrition

The Budget Review Committee (BRC) is suited to my interests, professional education, and experience. I have a passion for WCU, am numbers-oriented, and have an extensive background in devising, reviewing, implementing, analyzing, and revising budgets. I have served on the BRC for the past four years. The experience exposed me to a variety of budgetary perspectives and has honed my budgetary skills allowing me to be an asset to this committee. To continue serving as the CHS faculty representative on the BRC would be an honor. I would appreciate your support and vote.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12