
  • This election is for Special Election for Marketing Department Chair. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Special Election for Marketing Department Chair election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Special Election for Marketing Department Chair are:

Michael Guiry
Yong Wang

Nominations close Oct 9, 2018.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

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Michael Guiry

Department: Marketing

I do not promote myself as I value sincerity and authenticity. Hence, I would never ask anyone to vote for me. As Ziggy Marley sings "Got to be true to myself."

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Yong Wang

Department: Marketing

I came to our department with confidence and hope. I feel strongly about the future of our department because of our proven ability to cope with the challenges we have faced. I cherish the arduous work that everyone engages in for our department, and would like to receive an opportunity to lead our department in the future journey full of new challenges.

I ask for your vote because we must elect a chairperson knowing what our future is about and how to stay on track. There has been mounting pressure to launch the programs our students desire, to boost our faculty’s productivity under good work-life balance, and to enhance our department’s community relationships and reputation, to name just a few. I am equipped with passion, determination, and necessary skills to carry on these tasks.

I will ensure that voices from our faculty, our students, and our friends and partners are processed timely and expediently so that our department continues to provide excellence to all the constituents. I believe results are more important than talks. Thus, I will also ensure simple, sturdy actions are taken to respond to the latent needs of our faculty and our students. I am keen to stand by your best interest, and to ensure your endeavor is supported in the best possible way. Last but not least, with your vote, I will continue to build a strong department with shared governance and a team spirit. We will bring pride to all the constituents of our department because this is a place where we all can make a difference.

Colleagues, please vote for me to stand as the interim chairperson.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12