
  • This election is for Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee (At-Large Seats). The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee (At-Large Seats) election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
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The nominees for Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee (At-Large Seats) are:

Mary Beth Gilboy
Joby Hilliker
Lauri Hyers
Jimmy Mc Laughlin
Lisa Lucas
Anne Bradley Mitchell
Nancy J. Rumfield
Tina Selvaggi
Rani Selvanathan
Kathryn Solic
Jeff Sommers

Nominations close Mar 28, 2014.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • Election for 4 At-Large Representatives to the Faculty Mentoring Committee.

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Mary Beth Gilboy

Department: Nutrition

Mentoring of newer faculty members is an important role of their peers. I would be honored to serve on the Faculty Mentoring Committee at WCU. In my previous position, I served as a faculty mentor and found this to be a learning and rewarding experience. In my first year at WCU as a member of the CHS, Department of Nutrition, I took part in the mentoring program as a mentee. Having a supportive mentor was beneficial and helped support me in my first year at WCU. For the last five years, I have informally mentored newer faculty in my department. At this time in my career, I would like the opportunity to expand my role as a mentor and serve the University as a member of the Faculty Mentoring Committee.

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Joby Hilliker

Department: Geology and Astronomy

I welcome the opportunity to employ my affinity and expertise of fostering the professional development of faculty at WCU. Serving on the FMC is a logical extension for me as I have served on the New Faculty Orientation (NFO) committee since my arrival in 2004. Over the last 10 years -- including serving for four years as Co-Chair -- I have welcomed hundreds of new faculty. With the assistance of my colleagues in NFO, I have imparted knowledge to each incoming class on the tenure and promotion process, while sharing my strategies for success at WCU. I am looking forward to leveraging my experiences in a practical, productive, and positive way. Thank you!

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Lauri Hyers

Department: Psychology

I have been working with the Faculty Mentoring Program and Committee since (before!) the program started. I am a past program coordinator, current committee co-chair, and continuous committee member. This is a valuable resource for WCU faculty--I am dedicated to helping ensure its continued success. For anyone reading this us if you want to serve as a mentor or participate as a mentee, we would love to have you be a part of this great program!

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Jimmy Mc Laughlin

Department: Mathematics

I am in my 9th year in the mathematics department at West Chester University. I very much enjoy being a part of both the mathematics department and the University, and would like the opportunity to play a part in the faculty mentoring program.

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Lisa Lucas

Department: Early and Middle Grades

As the former Chair of the Mentoring Committee, I have truly missed participating on this committee since I completed my last term. My research continues to encompass mentoring. I feel strongly that every faculty member, at every stage of their career should have the option of being paired with a formal mentor. This committee not only benefits the mentors and mentees but the university wide faculty due to the various programs that the mentoring committee offers. One of my goals is to establish a mentoring culture at West Chester University. Serving on this committee would be an honor, it is a way to give back to all those who have mentored me at every stage of my own career.

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Anne Bradley Mitchell

Department: Nursing

I have just experienced my year as a mentee in the Faculty Mentoring Program. I have enjoyed having a mentor who is outside my college. This relationship makes me feel more connected to the university. I am grateful for the time, encouragement and support offered by my mentor. I view the mentor relationship as a bonus to the orientation program for new faculty members. The programs offered by the committee throughout the year have allowed me to interact with other new faculty members that I met at orientation. I would appreciate the opportunity to serve on the Faculty Mentoring Committee, and assist in organizing ongoing events.

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Nancy J. Rumfield

Department: Art and Design

I would be honored to serve as a member of the Faculty Mentoring Committee. During my years of teaching at WCU I experienced both the role of a mentee and that of a mentor, both on an informal basis. There were several mentors that made it possible for me to grow and succeed as an educator and an artist. I enjoyed serving on the Pedagogy for Engagement Committee for six years (now referred to as the Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching) and the Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee for three years. I understand the importance of faculty development and would like the opportunity to assist in programs for new faculty. As a member of this committee I believe it will enable me continue to make a contribution to the university community. Thank you for your consideration for this election.

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Tina Selvaggi

Department: Literacy

I would be honored to serve on the Mentoring Committee. In my previous position in a K-12 school district, I implemented the New Teacher Induction Program, where new teachers were supported through professional development and a mentor in their field. I have seen the benefits of mentoring in a K-12 setting as well as at WCU through the mentoring committee and the New Faculty Orienation committee. I welcome the opportunity to apply my experience with and belief in mentoring to this committee. Thank you for your consideration.

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Rani Selvanathan

Department: Management

I enjoy teaching and have been doing it through out my professional career. I find great satisfaction in sharing whatever knowledge I have with my colleagues and my students..

I always maintain that teaching/mentoring is a two-way street wherein both the teacher and the student learn from each other. As a mentor is sought out for advice on various issues, a mentor should exhibit patience, tolerance and understanding in explaining it. I therefore see a partnership in which mentee's interest is fostered by the mentor who further guides them towards “creative" approach to problem solving. I believe in being there for them to guide them along the way. As a mentor, I will not just choose a path for those who need my help but work with them them to analyze and understand the correct path they eventually choose.

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Kathryn Solic

Department: Literacy

I am a first year faculty member in the Literacy Department within the College of Education and a current participant in the Faculty Mentoring program. As a member of the Faculty Mentoring Committee over the next three years I would hope to be able to contribute a perspective that is reflective of a developing teacher-scholar who is moving towards the tenure and promotion process. I would expect to be able to offer insight into the process of utilizing mentoring experiences as an emerging faculty member and to use those understandings to inform the work of the committee to meet the needs of future faculty classes. I would greatly appreciate your consideration as a candidate in this special election.

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Jeff Sommers

Department: English

I would like to continue to serve on the Faculty Mentoring committee. I've been focusing on faculty development activities as my major service contribution because I think it's imperative that experienced faculty do what they can to help newer faculty become successful at WCU. I can point to faculty mentors throughout my thirty-five year teaching career, both here at WCU and prior to that at my last position at Miami University, who helped me develop as a productive and contributing member of those campus communities, and I believe it’s now my responsibility to “pay it forward” by working with new faculty myself. I think the closer ties that the Faculty Mentoring Program has begun to develop with the New Faculty Orientation Committee and the Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching is a very promising development that I would like to see continue. If elected, I will work to help coordinate the efforts of the mentoring program with these other faculty development committees, on both of which I continue to serve.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12