
  • This election is for Election for APSCUF Executive Positions. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Election for APSCUF Executive Positions election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Election for APSCUF Executive Positions are:

Jeffery Osgood (nominee Vice Pres)
Lisa Millhous (nominee for President)
Heather Leaman (nom. Corresponding Sec)
Jen Bacon (nom. for Recording Sec.)
Robert Gallop (nom. for Treasurer)

Nominations close May 1, 2013.
APSCUF Coaches may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • Election for APSCUF Executive positions: (1) Lisa Millhous (nominee for APSCUF President)Department: Communication Studies (2)Jeffery Osgood (nominee for APSCUF Vice President)Department: Political Science (3)Robert Gallop (nominee for APSCUF Treasurer)Department: Mathematics (4)Jen Bacon (nominee for APSCUF Recording Secretary)Department: English (5)Heather Leaman (nominee for APSCUF Corresponding Secretary)Department: Early & Middle Grades Education

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Jeffery Osgood (nominee Vice Pres)

Department: Department: Political Science

Jeffery Osgood (nominee for APSCUF Vice President) Department: Political Science Colleagues: This past year has been transformational with regard to the rights of faculty to govern the curriculum and academic policies of the institution. As CAPC Chair, I was involved in the negotiations of our bylaws between APSCUF and the Administration. As a participant in that process, I saw firsthand how the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) allowed West Chester University to create a strong and progressive curriculum committee that is now used as a model for other system universities. Because of APSCUF’s work and support, CAPC has asserted itself as a body concerned and responsible for ensuring faculty review of curricular proposals as well as those areas related to academic affairs where faculty input had not been considered before. Supporting our rights as faculty to govern the curriculum and its implementation, APSCUF scored a huge victory for us by securing the authority for each campus’s curriculum committee to make recommendations on class size. As a result of these negotiations, the faculty have emerged as much stronger voices in the governance of the institution. Throughout all of my interactions with WCU APSCUF leadership this year, I have been impressed with not only their level of commitment in ensuring that the faculty are fairly and responsibly represented, but also with their commitment to find common ground, where it exists, and to find solutions where compromise seemed impossible. It is because of these experiences that I wish to volunteer myself to serve as our local Vice President. If elected, I would seek to continue the impressive track record of the past year and be a strong advocate for faculty across campus. Thank you, Jeff

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Lisa Millhous (nominee for President)

Department: Department: Communication Studies

Lisa Millhous (nominee for APSCUF President) Department: Communication Studies

Please refer to email letter sent to all faculty.

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Heather Leaman (nom. Corresponding Sec)

Department: Early and Middle Grades

Heather Leaman (nominee for APSCUF Corresponding Secretary) Department: Early & Middle Grades Education I have served as APSCUF Corresponding Secretary since I was elected to the position in fall 2011. I have enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about APSCUF, faculty needs and interests and the elections procedures on campus. I would welcome the opportunity to continue my learning and to continue to support APSCUF and WCU faculty during a second term as Corresponding Secretary.

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Jen Bacon (nom. for Recording Sec.)

Department: English

Jen Bacon (nominee for APSCUF Recording Secretary) Department: English I have been active in APSCUF for more than a decade, at both the local and state levels. I have served as a local delegate for our Representative Council, as a state delegate for West Chester, and as an at-large member of our local Executive Council. I chair our local committee on temporary faculty issues. For the past several years, I have served on the state level Executive Council, the main decision making-body for the organization, and most recently I have chaired the state-level personnel committee. In all of these roles, I have learned an incredible amount about the State System of Higher Education, our union, and the ways that West Chester University fits into the complex dynamics of both. I'm eager to bring my knowledge to our local Executive Committee and to do the important work of keeping records for our organization.

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Robert Gallop (nom. for Treasurer)

Department: Mathematics

Robert Gallop (nominee for APSCUF Treasurer) Department: Mathematics I've been in this position for the last two terms and there is some unfinished business to attend to such as establishing better ways to help our faculty members in emergencies. I would like the opportunity to establish an appropriate protocol to address this area.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12