
  • This election is for Special Election for President Search Committee. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Special Election for President Search Committee election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
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  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Special Election for President Search Committee are:

Nadine M. Bean
Laurie Bernotsky
Jonathan Friedman
Clyde Galbraith
Wayne Hanley
Clifford Johnston
Lisa Kirschenbaum
Peter Loedel
Linda Myrsiades
Gopal Sankaran
Jack Waber

Nominations close Sep 7, 2007.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • All tenured faculty members may be nominated for this election.
    • No more than one faculty member from any college or unit may be elected (all non-classroom faculty are considered one unit). Once a faculty member is elected to the committee, all other nominees from the same college or unit become disqualified.
    • The election will be decided by plurality.
    • The President of the Faculty Senate will submit the names of the two winners of the election to the chairperson of the Council of Trustees for final approval.

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Nadine M. Bean

Department: Graduate Social Work

I would be honored to serve on the search committee for a new president for WCU. I have a number of years of experience as a Faculty Senator and during my tenure, I have served on the executive committee of the Senate for six years. I spearheaded the effort over the last few years to develop a new, university wide, Faculty Mentoring Committee and will be co-chairing that committee this year. I have also served as the Vice President of the WCU Research Consortium, have served on the President's Alliance on Alcohol, Drug Use and Violence on Campus and have traveled to China, three times with both WCU faculty via the Faculty/Staff Development Abroad Initiative and with MSW students for the purpose of cultural immersion and exhange. In my life off campus, I serve as an American Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Services Volunteer and I am a founding board member of a new, 501c3 organization working to rebuild New Orleans - not only with wood, brick and mortar but in terms of mind, body, spirit and community. I will be taking MSW students down to volunteer on a regular basis. Finally, I have very recent and relevant experience in a nationwide search for an executive. In 2006, I chaired a national search to find the next executive director of the National Association of Social Workers, PA Chapter. The NASW-PA chapter has over 6,000 professional social work members. For WCU, I am particularly interested in finding a president who is well versed in recruiting and supporting a diverse faculty and student body - in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, and age. A committment to identify the strengths of diverse people is at the heart of the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics and is at the heart of how I conduct myself in my personal, teaching and volunteer life.

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Laurie Bernotsky

Department: Political Science

I would like to ask for your support in the election for faculty representatives to the Presidential Search Committee. The breadth of experience I have had at WCU over the past 12 years provides me with an inclusive and comprehensive view of the concerns and interests of faculty at WCU and I would appreciate the opportunity to be involved in this important endeavor. A major reason for my interest in serving on this committee is to provide a strong faculty voice that a new president continue supporting WCU's current commitment to the teacher scholar model that places high emphasis on quality teaching. Like many of you, I have been energized by opportunities to work with students in a number of collaborative research efforts that have expanded the classroom beyond the traditional four walls. I want to ensure that our new president has a demonstrated commitment to support faculty efforts to provide quality instruction. I would also bring to the Presidential Search Committee my range of perspectives on faculty concerns gained through a wide range of university service and administrative work. I have served on the Faculty Development Committee, the APSCUF Legislative Committee, the General Education Committee of CAPC, CAPC Executive Committee, and I have served as the Chair of CAPC. I also served as the Cabinet Liaison to SPRC for two years and I was the University's Program Review Officer for two years, reviewing 32 departments/programs, which provided me with an in depth understanding of the workings of a majority of the programs at WCU. In addition to my teaching responsibilities, I currently serve as the director for a graduate program. My experiences at WCU have given me the opportunity to view the university from a number of different perspectives and I would appreciate the opportunity to bring those perspectives to the search committee as a faculty representative.

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Jonathan Friedman

Department: History

As Director of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, I would be honored to serve on this important search committee. One of my goals as director and as a member of a number of committees, including Faculty Senate, the New Faculty Orientation Committee, LGBT Concerns Committee, and most recently, University Forum, has been to aid in cultivating a campus environment that is committed to diversity and multiculturalism in all its forms. I would like to see our future president value this goal as highly as I and others in our current administration have.

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Clyde Galbraith

Department: Accounting

Kindly consider my nomination for the Presdiant Search Committe. I am in my 34th year of service at WCU and have been department chair of Accounting for the past 27 years. I have recently participated in two university searches and understand the importance of being objective and unbiased when nominating the best candidate. In 2005, I received the university's Faculty Merit Award and the Legacy of Leadership Award in 2007 from the Division of Student Affairs. I also received the Career Development Center Award in 2004 as a Faculty Advocate (the only time this award was ever given)and a PICPA award as the Outstanding Educator in Pennsylvania 2005.

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Wayne Hanley

Department: History

Few things could be as important to the future of this university as the selection of a new president. If selected to serve on this committee I will do all I can to narrow the field of candidates to those who are truly interested in student learning and will assist faculty in their efforts to achieve that goal.

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Clifford Johnston

Department: Mathematics

I would be honored to serve the faculty as a member of the Presidential Search Committee. As a member of the search committee, I will work to represent the interests of the faculty as teachers and scholars, but also as the cornerstone of West Chester University's success. I will also work to attract strong candidates to our university.

I believe West Chester needs a president that values shared governance, supports faculty initiatives, and commits to a collaborative relationship with the faculty and the union. We need a president that will influence the State System to reform and adopt state policies and initiatives that support our campus and our programs. We need a president who will strengthen our relationship with the community and bring local funding onto campus for academic programs. Finally, we need a president who keeps us on a successful course, but also develops and pursues his or her own vision for the university.

I have served on search committees for management and faculty. I have also been on CAPC. For the last 6 years, I have been an officer of the union, including President, grievance chair, and Meet and Discuss chair. These experiences have given me broad exposure to the concerns and interests of the faculty. Being involved in APSCUF has provided me with unique opportunities to work with local management and see the relationship between faculty and management at the other state system campuses. Like West Chester, some campuses have a healthy relationship between faculty and management that stresses communication and collaboration. On others, the relationship between faculty and management is confrontational and destructive. As a member of the search committee, I will use these experiences to assist the committee select and attract candidates that meet the high standards set by our faculty and our programs.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Lisa Kirschenbaum

Department: History

If selected, my commitment is give voice to diverse faculty interests and needs. Interactions and collaborations with colleagues across the university as well as my own efforts to become a successful teacher-scholar have given me a strong appreciation of the different ways that faculty across the university approach our central tasks of teaching and scholarship. My service on campus committees as varied as CAPC and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee have allowed me to develop a broad understanding of the university’s workings, challenges, and goals. I believe that I am well suited to representing the faculty and working with the campus community in this important process.

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Peter Loedel

Department: Political Science

Dear Colleagues,

In this search for a new President, I hope to represent the faculty from all across the university. I have worked and interacted with a wide array of colleges and departments via my service as Chair of the Council of Chairs, Faculty Senate, Strategic Planning Committtee, TEP, APSCUF, and other campus committees. I believe I have a strong sense of the various needs of the university, both internal and external, and look forward to working with the campus community to bring the strongest candidate to WCU. Thank you.

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Linda Myrsiades

Department: English

Given the tensions during this negotiation with the PASSHE and the need to preserve the stable relations we have been able to maintain on WCU's campus with our present adminstration, it is critical whomever we choose for the search committee deals from strength with the board of trustees and system representatives. Presidential candidates have already expressed reluctance to come to PASSHE system schools because of what they perceive as a difficult labor situation with our bargaining unit. The faculty cannot be disregarded in this search.

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Gopal Sankaran

Department: Health

The next president is critical to the future of our institution, as s/he will define the path for progress and build on the rich legacy of President Madeleine Wing Adler. I deem it an honor to have the opportunity to serve on the search committee.

Since spring 1989, I have had the privilege of serving both as a faculty in the Department of Health and as an administrator in varied positions. My administrative experience includes service as the Interim Associate Vice President for Sponsored Research (2005-06), Interim Dean of Graduate Studies and Extended Education (2001-02), Presidential Fellow for Planning (1998-2001), Special Assistant to the Provost (2000-01), and Graduate Coordinator (1990-2000). As an American Council of Education Fellow (1999-2000), I benefited from experiential learning opportunities that included shadowing presidents and other senior administrators at our university and other institutions.

I have served on several university-wide committees such as the Faculty Senate (including as president for two years), Strategic Planning and Accreditation Council (co-chair with Provost Linda Lamwers for coordinating development of our strategic plan, Plan for Excellence, and successful decennial accreditation by the Middle States Association), Capital Facilities Planning Committee (entrusted with developing our Capital Facilities Long-range Plan), Technology Work Group (that developed the institutional Long-Range Technology Plan),University Forum, CAPC (including as chair of the Graduate Committee), Multicultural Faculty Commission, Council of Graduate Coordinators (including as chair of the Council), Global Development Collaborative (convener/coordinator), Institutional Review Board (including as chair for a year), Service Learning Work Group, Student Learning Outcomes Committee, and University Marketing Committee, to name a few. In addition, my participation in the activities of the President’s Cabinet, President’s Council, Deans Council, and Administrative Budget Committee has increased my knowledge of issues that are unique to our institution.

Through my work both as a faculty and an administrator, service on university-wide committees, and experiential learning, I have developed an in-depth understanding of trends, challenges, and opportunities in higher education. Additionally, I have become sensitized to the leadership needs of diverse institutions.

If elected, I will discharge my duty diligently and with integrity to uphold the trust placed in me. Thank you for your support!

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Jack Waber

Department: Biology

It is my view that we need to bring to campus a new President who has the following qualifications (this is a pritorized list): 1. Established academic, with a record of acheivement in terms of scholarly publications, grant funding, and promotion through the ranks. 2. Record of experience that begins with being a Department Chair. 3. Excellent "people skills". 4. Understands that a community of scholars is "herded and not lead". 5. Able and willing to maintain the bridges that have been built to the surrounding community.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12