
  • This election is for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Faculty Senate At-large Representatives election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives are:

Clayton Garthwait
Kurt Kolasinski
Sarah Lightner
Vipanchi Mishra
Megan A Infanti Mraz
Heather Schugar
Veronica Wilbur

Nominations close Mar 30, 2023.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes.
    • Faculty may be nominated as both a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative and as an at-large representative; however, candidates elected as a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative will be removed from the list of nominees for the election of at-large representatives.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.

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Clayton Garthwait

Department: University Libraries

Hello! In my efforts to serve the University I am seeking election to Faculty Senate. In my time at West Chester I have served on most every shared governance body including APSCUF, CAPC and Senate. I have observed the Senate evolve into a strong and vital body over the past several years. I have been very impressed with the invited speakers and the open invitation to participate. The communication and discussion of faculty and student issues aligns well with my desire to contribute to the continued success of our university community. Won't you please consider voting for me? Thank you.

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Kurt Kolasinski

Department: Chemistry

Please support me in my candidacy for Faculty Senate in which I have served since 2011. From 2013 to 2019 I served as Recording Secretary of the Faculty Senate and since that time as an At-Large member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. I am still deeply committed to the mission of Faculty Senate and I would appreciate your support so that I can continue to promote the interests of faculty at WCU. I have extensive experience with establishing national and international research collaborations and integrating research into undergraduate education. In addition, I am currently chair of the Scholarly & Creative Activities Committee of WCU's Sustainability Council. I will actively promote Faculty Senate’s efforts to support faculty development in both research and sustainability. Your vote will allow me to apply my experience and energy to support and improve WCU as an educational community.

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Sarah Lightner

Department: Literacy

Having served as an at-large representative on Faculty Senate for the last three years, I would be thrilled to continue my service on this committee. I've found my participation on this committee to be highly beneficial to both myself and my department because the meetings are always informative and I am able to bring what I learn back to my colleagues in the Literacy Department. Further, participating on Faculty Senate has enabled me to interact with faculty and staff outside my department and college on important work. For instance, in 2021, I was a Faculty Senate Representative on the Antiracism Syllabus Statement Committee and a Faculty Senate Representative on the Search Committee for an Associate Provost for Academic Affairs. Currently, I am on the subcommittee on Research and Creative Activity. All of this work has broadened my understanding of the ways in which WCU operates and has connected me with colleagues across the university who are doing valuable work.

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Vipanchi Mishra

Department: Psychology

I am an Associate Professor in the department of psychology and have been serving on the Faculty senate for the past three years. I am running for re-election as an at-large representative on Senate. I am passionate about supporting faculty in their many roles at West Chester University. In addition to serving on senate, in the past nine years I have also served on the faculty mentoring committee and CELT and my efforts have focused on initiatives directed towards supporting temporary and permanent faculty in meeting their statement of expectations. Being a member of Senate will give me an opportunity to work with other members across the university, learning from them and contributing to important decision-making processes at the University. Thank you for considering me for this very important position.

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Megan A Infanti Mraz

Department: Nursing

I am excited for the opportunity to serve as faculty senate at-large for a second term. Within my first term I have worked on sub-committees to review a University childcare center and am currently working within a University wide committee to explore Banner scheduling. I have participated in University searches and Navigate initiatives. I enjoy the work of this committee and would be honored to serve for another term.

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Heather Schugar

Department: Ed Leadership & Higher Ed Admin

As a former President of the Faculty Senate, I am committed to the work that the WCU Senate does to promote a positive campus climate and foster diversity, equity, and inclusion. Over the course of the four terms that I have served on Senate, I have actively participated in DEI efforts (such as advocating for a Chief Diversity Officer), worked to foster transparency in decision-making across university units, served as a member of the research subcommittee, and fostered communication and problem solving regarding faculty and student welfare concerns. With your vote, I seek the opportunity to continue my role as a participant in WCU's shared governance model.

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Veronica Wilbur

Department: Nursing

Please support me to continue serving on the Faculty Senate as a Member-At-Large. Since 2015, in this role, I have been Member-At-Large for the last nine years. I co-chair the Faculty Affairs subcommittee and represent the Senate on the Council for Diversity, Inclusion, and Academic Excellence. I also represented the Senate on the 9-month new Dean of Libraries search. My other work in diversity, equity, and inclusion has included being part of the WCU Anti-Racism Working. I am enthusiastic about supporting the Faculty Senate’s efforts to support the continued mission of WCU in all aspects of faculty affairs and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Please vote for me so I can continue in the work of the Faculty Senate and the WCU educational community.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12