
  • This election is for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Faculty Senate At-large Representatives election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives are:

Janet Chang
David Doorn
Dan Forbes
Tara Guerriero
Cynthia S Haggard
Lisa Naomi Konigsberg
Bessie Lawton
Marci Major
Michael Markowski
Megan A Infanti Mraz
Meg Panichelli
Matthew Pierlott
Jenn Raskauskas
Christopher Roemmele
Israel Sanz
Chui Kian Smidt

Nominations close Mar 20, 2019.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes.
    • Faculty may be nominated as both a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative and as an at-large representative; however, candidates elected as a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative will be removed from the list of nominees for the election of at-large representatives.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.

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Janet Chang

Department: Psychology

I’d like to join Faculty Senate because I value shared governance, the opportunity to share the breadth and depth of my experiences in higher education, and giving voice to issues that matter. I’m a committed teacher-scholar and tenure-track faculty member in the Psychology Department. I have an active record of collaboration and involvement in various committees and service opportunities at WCU. For instance, I’ve been active on the WCU Ethnic Studies Institute Executive Committee, and I previously served as a proxy for Faculty Senate. I’d like to represent faculty interests at Senate. Thanks for your consideration.

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David Doorn

Department: Economics and Finance

I would welcome the opportunity to serve as one of the At-large Representatives to the Faculty Senate. I served as a representative to CAPC from the College of Business and Public Management from 2015 to 2018. My term was up at the end of spring semester last year and I chose not to run again in order to give untenured faculty colleagues an opportunity to serve on that important body.

While on CAPC I served on the General Education Committee in both the first and the third years of my term and co-chaired the Interdisciplinary Subcommittee in the first. The review of syllabi from across campus proved to be interesting work and I learned about many courses and topics I wasn’t even aware of.

In my second year on CAPC I served on the Undergraduate Policy Committee, which was charged with reviewing and revising many of the university policies laid out in the Undergraduate Catalog. This also was interesting work and we had many interesting discussions as we hashed out how these policies should be written up in the clearest and most informative way.

When I returned to the General Education Committee for my final year on CAPC, the focus was on the upcoming implementation of the newly revised Gen Ed program. Here again we had lively discussions about many items regarding its rollout, including approval of new goals and requirements to be implemented with the program.

Having not been involved in any campus wide service activities this academic year, I find that I miss working with colleagues from across campus and especially the camaraderie exhibited as we held important discussions and made significant decisions affecting the whole campus community. I would love the opportunity to be a part of the Faculty Senate and again be involved with important work for the University and its stakeholders.

If you would like more information on my experience and qualifications, please don’t hesitate to email me for my CV ( Thank you so much for your consideration.

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Dan Forbes

Department: Philosophy

I have served two terms in the Faculty Senate (having served three years as a proxy before that) and currently serve on its executive committee in the role of recording secretary. The Senate is an important part of the life of WCU as a forum for regular and temporary faculty to use their voice to contribute collaboratively to shaping the future of our university. National (and international) events are placing greater pressure on our system of higher education, shaping perceptions of its function and value. Faculty Senate with its focus on issues of campus climate has contributed immensely to conversations that have an impact on faculty, staff, students, and our region, and has helped WCU to stand out as a community that celebrates diversity and cultivates a place where students can earn a useful and meaningful education. I hope to continue to participate in the Senate’s important work, and appreciate your vote.

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Tara Guerriero

Department: Special Education

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education. I began teaching at West Chester as an Adjunct Professor in 2006 and then began my Tenure-track position in 2008. I have had the opportunity to serve as a member of Faculty Senate for the past 3 years and have been part of both the Faculty Welfare subcommittee and the Student Welfare subcommittee. I have very much enjoyed participating in a committee that directly impacts the faculty and students at WCU. I would be grateful to receive your support in helping me to continue my involvement in the Faculty Senate. Thank you for your consideration.

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Cynthia S Haggard

Department: Secondary Education

I have served on the faculty senate for a number of years, including a term as president. I would like to continue as a member as WCU grows and moves forward. Senate is a great place for new faculty to get involved and meet others, but there is something to be said for having an old timer, with"institutional memory."

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Lisa Naomi Konigsberg

Department: English

As a tenure-track faculty member of the English Department, I have been active on both departmental and university-wide committees. Part of this work has included working on the Retention and Recruitment committee (CARHU) and General Education Committee (Eng.Dept) where I have been helping shape strategies for stronger connections between the English department, CARHU, the university, and our students. I have acted as a proxy for Faculty Senate for several years. I am running for FSAL Rep. to get involved in FS work at a deeper level. Thank you.

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Bessie Lawton

Department: Communication and Media

It would be my honor to continue serving in the Faculty Senate. I have been part of the Senate for almost a decade not just as a member, but also as part of the Executive Committee. I deeply value the Senate's work in promoting campus climate and shared governance. I believe the Senate is an important voice representing faculty on campus, and would like to continue working to promote faculty concerns through this elected body.

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Marci Major

Department: Music Education

As I become more involved in the shared governance process at WCU through being chair of my department and serving on various committees like CPE, I would now like to serve on faculty senate to contribute at a greater level with a focus campus-wide.

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Michael Markowski

Department: Health

One of the great joys in working at a university is the diverse experience and talent among so many who are engaged in improving lives through education. Problems don't exist in neat silos. So, I look forward to listening and learning from different viewpoints as we continue fostering the full potential of all our students. It would be an honor to serve in this profession.

It is with great pleasure that I nominate Professor Michael Markowski as a Nominee for consideration for the APSCUF WCU. In addition to performing his job at an exemplary level, Prof. Markowski demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to his university community as well as his students. Prof. Markowski takes it upon himself to provide additional support and assistance to new students and staff. He discerns quickly our individual needs and moves efficiently to provide us with key information and direction. Please consider Professor Michael Markowski for one of the 12-at-large seats for 2019-2022. Thank you.

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Megan A Infanti Mraz

Department: Nursing

I have been of member of the WCU faculty community since 2005. I have served on a number of leadership roles within the Department of Nursing and have served as an active member of service within the College of Health Sciences and University. I value the exceptional work of faculty senate and would welcome the opportunity to serve the University in this capacity.

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Meg Panichelli

Department: Undergraduate Social Work Department

Hello! I am a first-year faculty member in the Undergraduate Social Work Department and I am very interested in becoming involved with faculty senate. As a teacher-scholar whose work is grounded in social justice, I am deeply committed to the values of a shared governance platform. Notably, one of my favorite classes to teach is focused on social welfare history and policy, and becoming a member of faculty senate would give me the opportunity to do exactly what I teach students–advocate for and shape policy that enhances the well-being of those you work with. I am passionate about the well-being, growth, and development of students and faculty across the institution. Please consider voting for an early career faculty member who enjoys working with others!

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Matthew Pierlott

Department: Philosophy

I am happily asking for your support in my bid for re-election to the Faculty Senate. I have been an At-Large Representative since 2010, serving as the senate liaison to the Americans with Disabilities Act Committee since 2011. I was an "at-large" representative to the senate's Executive Committee from 2015-2018. I genuinely value the role the Senate plays in allowing faculty from across campus to share concerns and communicate around issues of campus climate, and to advocate for students and faculty issues as appropriate for the body. I would be honored to continue to participate in its work.

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Jenn Raskauskas

Department: Literacy

I am a second-year faculty member in the Literacy Department in the College of Education and Social Work. It would be my privilege to become involved with the shared governance of our university by serving on the Faculty Senate. I see this as an opportunity to actively contribute to the West Chester University community through collaboration with colleagues across the university.

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Christopher Roemmele

Department: Earth and Space Sciences

Hello there! I am in my second year as a tenure-track faculty member in the Earth and Space Sciences Department. I also have a presence in the College of Education, as I teach all the science methods courses to the various levels of education majors, as well as supervise student teachers. I also oversee my department’s program assessment committee. I am eager to engage in the vibrant academic life of West Chester and interested in serving on the Faculty Senate to support faculty as we strengthen and diversify our educational programs and opportunities, work with colleagues to advance faculty engagement in decision making processes, professional development opportunities, and collaborative endeavors that help enhance productivity and well-being to be better educators and mentors so that our students reach their full potential.

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Israel Sanz

Department: Languages and Cultures

Ι am respectfully asking for your support as candidate for an at-large seat on Faculty Senate. I have been a member of Senate for three terms, since 2010. As member, I have participated in tangible ways on a variety of initiatives. Besides being a member of the Executive Committee in 2015-2016, I have been particularly active as chair of the Faculty Research and Creative Activities Committee. In this capacity, I promoted the creation of a Faculty Senate statement to advocate to university administration about the importance of supporting faculty in their scholarly and creative activities, and this statement was shared with the campus community in April 2016. I have also represented Faculty Senate on the recent search for a new Vice Provost for Research and Creative Activities, as well as on the ad-hoc Strategic Planning Subcommittee to draft the wording about faculty scholarly and creative activities for Goal 3 of the “learning” theme in the President’s Strategic Plan (“Pathways to Student Success”). I represented Faculty Senate on the RAC (Research Advisory Board) in 2016-2018, and I currently also represent Faculty Senate on the Research and Creative Activity Advisory Board. I also serve as Faculty Senate liaison with the Multicultural Faculty Commission. I would welcome the opportunity to continue advocating on behalf of WCU faculty for improved resources and opportunities from a seat on Faculty Senate, and I thank you in advance for your support.

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Chui Kian Smidt

Department: Languages and Cultures

Since my arrival at West Chester University in 2011, I have found my world growing from a myopic focus on my courses to seeing their place in the TESOL program, then the TESOL program's place in 2 departments and 2 colleges. Since taking on TESOL Directorship in 2016, I've begun to consider my world to include teacher preparation programs, graduate programs, and interdisciplinary programs in general. I have also incorporated my research agenda and passion in distance education into these multiple areas. In other words, I've begun to grow into my identity as a WCU citizen, and would value the opportunity to contribute to the Faculty Senate in its involvement in the shared governance of the university.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12