
  • This election is for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Faculty Senate At-large Representatives election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives are:

David Bolton
Laquana Cooke
Lynn Monahan Couch
Graham MacPhee
Christine D. Moriconi
Lia O'Brien
Jenn Raskauskas
Alessandra Sarcona
Julie Wiest

Nominations close Apr 27, 2018.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes.
    • Faculty may be nominated as both a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative and as an at-large representative; however, candidates elected as a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative will be removed from the list of nominees for the election of at-large representatives.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.

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David Bolton

Department: Educational Foundations Policy Studies

I've been a contributing member of the Faculty Senate since 2015. The Senate is an important body in defining the culture of the University. Being a member has helped me to better understand the current issues that the University is grappling with. And I believe I've been able to contribute to the work of the Senate. My focus has primarily been in the area of research, which is my passion. I'm very much looking forward to continuing my work in this area, and would be grateful for your consideration. Thank you!

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Laquana Cooke

Department: English

I value the contributions the Faculty Senate have made on the academic, professional, and social life of West Chester University. As a 2nd year Assistant Professor, I am well aware of the important role the Faculty Senate has made in facilitating and fostering critical conversations between faculty and other groups on campus. The spectrum of these topics—from diversity to inclusion—demonstrates the cohesive impact that Faculty Senate has maintained in not only advocating for and improving faculty working conditions but, also largely, serving as a forum for issues of diversity and equity that affect the University at-large. If granted the opportunity to serve on Faculty Senate, I would be committed to listening and learning from the faculty and campus-wide offices about these very issue that are most important to me and our community. As an English professor, I teach and research in Digital Humanities, Game Design and Development, and Youth and Urban Studies—areas in which my passions of equity, diversity, and collaboration intersect. As a researcher, teacher, and designer, my experience cuts across industry, academia, and non-profit community sectors, providing me with the very skills that are central to the Faculty Senate: Communication, Organization, and Administration. If elected as an At-Large representative, I would be honored to work with other members of the Senate to foster a campus climate that create opportunities for collaboration, support faculty in research and service endeavors, and develop a space for faculty and other offices to communicate on matters that both strengthen the mission and goals of West Chester University and the social and cultural space in which we all exist.

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Lynn Monahan Couch

Department: Nutrition

I have had many positions in my 20 years at WCU; from registered dietitian at the Student Health Center, to adjunct faculty in Health Dept, regular-part-time (RPT) faculty, tenure-track and now tenured faculty in Nutrition. I feel this experience has given me a uniquely wide perspective of faculty life and I would like to bring this experience to Faculty Senate. I would be honored to work with you all to advocate and evaluate institution policies that support the growth and development of faculty and students.

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Graham MacPhee

Department: English

I'd like to stand for the Faculty Senate as an advocate for the professional and scholarly status of faculty at West Chester University. I have served as chair of the Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee and of the Faculty Grant Development Committee/University Research Funding Committee -- so I know what wonderful initiatives our faculty have been involved in over the years. I would aim to make sure that this work is recognized, publicized, supported, and valued by the university and wider community.

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Christine D. Moriconi

Department: Nursing

I would be honored to serve as a member of the West Chester University Faculty Senate. I have been part of the Department of nursing since 2007. In my first seven years as faculty, I have found the West Chester University community to be an extremely supportive, cohesive and energizing.I have benefited tremendously from CHS and the nursing department in co-directing the Center for Contemplative Studies. I am now an Associate Professor and expanding my service to the West Chester University Community. I have served as a proxy for the senate during the past 5 years. It is my hope to become a useful and active member of the faculty senate. In gratitude, Chris

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Lia O'Brien

Department: Psychology

My name is Lia O'Brien and I am a faculty member in the Psychology Department. I have served on the Faculty Senate throughout the 2017-2018 academic year as a regular proxy. In this and all positions, I am a strong advocate for faculty and students and will work diligently to represent our interests. I would be honored to have the opportunity to continue to serve in this important body. I greatly appreciate your support.

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Jenn Raskauskas

Department: Literacy

I am a first-year faculty member in the Literacy Department in the College of Education and Social Work. It would be a privilege to become involved with the shared governance of our university by serving on the Faculty Senate. I am looking forward to meeting and working with colleagues across the university to actively contribute to the West Chester University community.

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Alessandra Sarcona

Department: Nutrition

My experience as a faculty advisor for the Lifestyle Nutrition Special Interest Group has broadened my view of campus life. We have assisted numerous groups such as the ESL and residence hall students to adopt healthier lifestyle habits. I would like to be part of the Faculty Senate to recognize and support the needs of faculty and students in order to create a positive environment at WCU.

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Julie Wiest

Department: Anthropology & Sociology

I am nearing the end of my first term as a senator and would appreciate the opportunity to continue serving my colleagues and the campus community in this capacity. The Faculty Senate is an important body working for shared governance on campus, and I take my role as a senator seriously. I currently serve on the Student Welfare Subcommittee and am the Faculty Senate representative on the university's Faculty Mentoring Committee, and I previously served as the Senate representative on a search committee for a new position in the Office of Social Equity. If re-elected, I would work toward expanding my involvement by taking on new roles and duties. Thank you for considering me for another term in this important position.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12