
  • This election is for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Faculty Senate At-large Representatives election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives are:

Michael Antonio
Kevin Flynn
Dan Forbes
Jonathan Fowler
Clayton Garthwait
Tara Guerriero
Cynthia S Haggard
Anne Krulikowski
Angela Lavery
Bessie Lawton
Mark McKibben
Stacie Metz
Iliana Pagán-Teitelbaum
Matthew Pierlott
Matt Saboe
Diane Santori
Israel Sanz
Jacqueline Van Schooneveld
York Williams

Nominations close Apr 18, 2016.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes.
    • Faculty may be nominated as both a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative and as an at-large representative; however, candidates elected as a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative will be removed from the list of nominees for the election of at-large representatives.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.

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Michael Antonio

Department: Criminal Justice

I am completing my third year in the Department of Criminal Justice. My teaching focuses largely on research methods and design. I previously served as a proxy in the Faculty Senate during the Fall 2015 and was involved in the Faculty Senate Research Committee. I would like to continue my involvement in this organization, to serve as a representative of faculty and student interests, and to further improve our University.

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Kevin Flynn

Department: Accounting

I look forward to representing the faculty with integrity and commitment. I would bring a lot of energy to the faculty senate and I hope I can count on your support.

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Dan Forbes

Department: Philosophy

I have served one term in the Faculty Senate (having served three years as a proxy before that) and am seeking to serve a second term. The Senate is an important part of the life of WCU as a forum for regular and temporary faculty to voice our perspectives as we contribute collaboratively to shaping the future of our university. The Faculty Senate in recent years has made great strides in contributing to conversations that have an impact on faculty and staff, and right now is working to make our voices be heard in a time of significant institutional change. But it is also a powerful source of institutional advocacy for the interests of students as they seek to earn a useful and meaningful education. The economic environment has progressively greater impact on perceptions of the function and value of higher education. WCU faculty are particularly aware of the impact institutional changes have on the quality of education to which our students have access, and so the need for our voice and action is becoming increasingly important. I’ve served recently on the Student Welfare subcommittee on Faculty Senate, which among other things is working to advocate for students to have the ability to indicate preferred names to appear on official class rolls, and for an increase in much-needed support for Counseling Services. I would like to continue to participate in the Senate’s important work, and appreciate your vote.

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Jonathan Fowler

Department: CVPA

I have been teaching at WCUPA since January of 2007 as Instructor and then as Assistant Professor of Tuba and Euphonium in the College of Visual and Performing Arts. I think the Faculty Senate is a valuable institution that helps to foster communication between faculty and administration. I would appreciate the opportunity to serve in this capacity.

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Clayton Garthwait

Department: Univesity Libraries

Hello! I am interested in serving on Faculty Senate for a number of reasons. As a past member, I have seen the growth of the Senate since I last served. I have witnessed a great improvement in its strength and visibility at our university. I would like to contribute to this evolution. I also view the Senate as a representative group from all over the campus. Too often we naturally get centered on our own departments, colleges, etc. The Senate is a great vehicle to learn what is happening on the campus as a whole. I feel strongly that Faculty Senate has the potential to drive positive change for our campus community. I would like to assist in that mission. Thanks for considering my nomination. :)

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Tara Guerriero

Department: Special Education

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education. I began teaching at West Chester as an Adjunct Professor in 2006 and then began my Tenure-track position in 2008. Please consider me for a representative to the Faculty Senate because I would be very interested in being a member of a committee that directly impacts the faculty at WCU. I served as a permanent proxy for a Faculty Senate Representative and attended all meetings during the Spring 2011, Fall 2011, and Spring 2012 Semesters. I very much enjoyed participating in the Faculty Senate and would like to further continue my involvement. Thank you for your consideration.

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Cynthia S Haggard

Department: Professional and Secondary Education

I would like to be elected to the faculty senate as an at-large representative to continue working with wonderful colleagues from all over the university. The senate is a great mix of new faculty and veteran faculty. As a past president I will provide an institutional memory that can be helpful.

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Anne Krulikowski

Department: History

I would like to serve another term on the Faculty Senate as an At Large Senator. I served as a proxy three years ago and for the last three semesters I finished out the term of Eric Fournier. During AY 2015-16, I was a member of the Research Committee and attended every meeting of this committee. I take the responsibility of attending the Senate meetings very seriously. I believe the Senate is an important forum for both keeping the faculty informed and to represent the faculty voice as necessary. I have been especially please to be able to meet and work with faculty outside my own department.

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Angela Lavery

Department: Graduate Social Work

Thank you for the opportunity to submit my name for the nomination of a faculty senate position. I joined WCU in August of 2015 as a new tenure track Assistant Professor of the Graduate Social Work Department. As a faculty senate member, I will be dedicated to supporting the growth of a healthy campus climate for students and faculty. I wish to specifically contribute my collaborative professional skill set from previous board of director and task force work experiences to either the faculty or student welfare committees. I strongly believe that this important work of the senate will continue to enhance an inclusive and diverse community that positively contributes to the students’ learning outcomes and the faculty’s professional development. I hope to join you in those efforts.

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Bessie Lawton

Department: Communication Studies

I have been with the Faculty Senate for several years, and on the Senate Executive Committee for the last two. I feel very strongly about diversity, civility, and shared governance, the primary issues the Senate is working on. I believe we have made a difference in the last few years, and I would like to continue to serve in the Senate as a voice for minority and female faculty on this campus.

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Mark McKibben

Department: Mathematics

Prior to coming to WCU in 2013, I was heavily involved in faculty governance in various roles during my 13-year tenure at Goucher College. I represented the faculty on an advisory council to the college president, served as department chairperson for three years, served two three-year terms on the college tenure and promotion committee (two years of which I was chair of the committee), served on the college grievance and dismissals committee for six years, and worked with college administrators and trustees on various subcommittees. Through this service, I gained valuable insight into how different parts of the college worked together and I acquired experience in navigating college bylaws.

Serving as a member of the Faculty Senate at WCU would provide me with the opportunity to share the experience I gained during that part of my career in a manner that, I hope, would be helpful to our institution. I would be honored to have this opportunity.

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Stacie Metz

Department: Graduate Social Work

I continue to be strongly committed to student/faculty welfare and collaborative research efforts on campus. I hope my enthusiasm, expertise, and connection to other university-wide committees will insurmountably contribute to the advocacy pursuits and activities of the ad-hoc research subcommittee and Senate as a whole. Thank you for your consideration!

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Iliana Pagán-Teitelbaum

Department: Languages and Cultures

I’m an Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Film. My research focuses on violence and inequality in Latin America. I’m from Puerto Rico, and I founded and co-direct the WCU Global Hispanic Film Festival on our campus during Hispanic Heritage Month. I’m part of the Youth Empowerment and Urban Studies (YES) Program advisory board and a member of the African American and Latino Male Retention Task Force (AALMRTF). I support diversity education and critical thinking on campus.

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Matthew Pierlott

Department: Philosophy

I have served on Faculty Senate for two previous terms (2010-2016) as an at-large member. During that time, I served as a member of the Faculty Welfare and Ethics standing committee, and as a Senate Liaison to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) committee. This past year (2015-2016), I have served as an at-large member of the Executive Committee, and have worked closely with others to help set the Senate's agenda, to collaborate with APSCUF representatives, and to represent faculty during administrative search processes.

I fully support the Senate's role as venue for faculty to raise attention to issues of campus climate, and I am committed to the ideals of transparency and collaboration in shared governance that the Senate promotes. I am grateful for the experience I have had in the Senate and look forward to continuing to serve my colleagues in this capacity. Thank you!

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Matt Saboe

Department: Economics and Finance

I have served as a faculty senator for the past year and a proxy before that. I wish to continue my service to one of our most important groups at WCU. We push for shared governance and ensure that our faculty have a voice. I appreciate your support and promise to represent our faculty interests to the best of my ability.

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Diane Santori

Department: Literacy

As an Associate Professor in the Literacy Department, I am fortunate to work with many wonderful colleagues in the College of Education and across campus. During my 8 years at WCU, I have served as an APSCUF representative, worked with peers on the General Education Writing Assessment, and sat on various committees, including CAPC and CELT. I just completed a two-year term as co-chair of CELT. I plan to remain at WCU for the duration of what I hope will be a long career. Becoming more involved in campus-wide initiatives and programs is a goal of mine and I believe serving as a Senator on Faculty Senate would enable me to do so. I am particularly interested in issues relating to campus climate and would value the opportunity to communicate with the wider college community.

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Israel Sanz

Department: Languages and Cultures

I have had the honor to serve on Faculty Senate for the last two terms as an at-large member, and I would be honored to continue serving. Over these years, I have been active as liaison with several university groups, as member of the Executive Committee and as chair of the ad-hoc Senate committee on Faculty Research. For the past several years, I have seen FS acquire a true presence and voice on campus as a clearinghouse for campus climate and faculty-related issues, and I hope to continue contributing to the FS mission.

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Jacqueline Van Schooneveld

Department: Early & Middle Grades Education

I have served on the WCU Faculty Senate for the past two years as a long-term proxy for the COE, and year-long standing member. I would like to continue to participate in this organization as a University At-large Representative I appreciate your support.

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York Williams

Department: Special Education

I joined the Faculty Senate last term because I am actively committed to the principles and values of shared governance in academia. I am also currently at the end of a three-year term of service on the Faculty Senate as a Space Allocation Committee ("SAC") Representative. As a member of the SAC I have had the opportunity to become directly involved with the administrative teams for facilities management at WCU which correspond with the University’s efforts to increase both enrollment and retention within a framework that is sustainable. I have also served as the University Forum Co-Chair where I actively engage faculty and staff around interventions and programming that address ongoing needs and concerns that evolved from the Campus Climate Survey. I am also a member of the Frederick Douglas Institute and Co Chair of the Education Committee. I am an active member of the University Diversity Council. During the 2015-16 academic school year I have also been working with the Office of Institutional Research on interventions to address retention and graduation issues that are impacting the universities underrepresented minority students. I believe that these experiences will be immediately beneficial to effective service on the Faculty Senate during the upcoming term.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12