
  • This election is for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Faculty Senate At-large Representatives election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Faculty Senate At-large Representatives are:

Marcos Campillo-Fenoll
Sharon DeJoy
Daniel Forbes
Eric Fournier
Clayton Garthwait
Cynthia Haggard
Bessie Lawton
Stacie Metz
Thomas O. Miller
Viorel Nitica
Matthew Pierlott
Israel Sanz
Tina Selvaggi
Rani G. Selvanathan
Danielle Skaggs
Paul K. Smith
Rosemary Sullivan
York Williams

Nominations close Mar 26, 2013.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • At-large seats only (No College Seat Vacancies Spring 2013)
    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes.
    • Faculty may be nominated as both a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative and as an at-large representative; however, candidates elected as a school, college, or non-classroom faculty representative will be removed from the list of nominees for the election of at-large representatives.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.

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Marcos Campillo-Fenoll

Department: Languages and Cultures

Since my arrival at WCUPA in 2009 I have been actively and enthusiastically involved in many diverse committees and service duties at Departmental, College and University-wide levels.

As academic advisor, faculty advisor to different student groups and professor with a summer program abroad in Argentina, I enjoy meeting students outside the classroom (or the country!) and discuss with them at length about their concerns, hopes and academic goals. I try my best to create a supportive atmosphere of inclusiveness.

As an active member of different committees and programs across campus, I like learning about the different "college" and "departmental" cultures, and how we can work together coming from different perspective and angles to carry out the missions of West Chester University, and provide the best quality education to our students, and opportunities to all members in the community.

I think I have built a good academic background and understanding of the university in these past four years, in order to become a productive member of the Faculty Senate, where the most important decisions that affect the campus as a whole are taken.

Thank you for your consideration!

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Sharon DeJoy

Department: Health

I look forward to this opportunity to learn more about, and participate in, the governance process at WCU.

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Daniel Forbes

Department: Philosophy

I have served as a proxy in the Faculty Senate for about three years and seek to become a full Senate member. The Senate is an important part of the life of WCU as a forum for faculty to voice the interests of regular and temporary faculty as we contribute to shaping the future of our university. But it is also a powerful source of institutional advocacy for the interests of students as they seek to earn a useful and meaningful education. As the economic environment has progressively greater impact on perceptions of the function and value of higher education, and WCU faculty are particularly aware of the impact institutional changes have on the quality of education to which our students have access, the need for our voice and action is increasingly more critical. I would like to take a more active role in the Senate by becoming a full member, and appreciate your vote.

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Eric Fournier

Department: History

As a junior faculty member, I seek this opportunity to become more involved in the life of the campus community, and especially to participate in this crucial process that provides faculty input. I have served as proxy for two years, but would like to become a regular Senate member.

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Clayton Garthwait

Department: Library Services

Hello! I would be very pleased to serve the university community as a member of Faculty Senate. My experience as a Senator in the past was very informative and gratifying. As a librarian I work with many students, academic departments and faculty members. I feel this broad perspective would help me to earnestly represent the interests of faculty and the university community. Thank you!

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Cynthia Haggard

Department: Professional and Secondary Education

I think all committees should have a balance of new faculty and experienced(veteran, seasoned, OK old!) faculty members. I like the direction the faculty senate is taking concerning campus climate and would like to represent all faculty.

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Bessie Lawton

Department: Communication Studies

I am hoping for your support in my bid for a second term with the Faculty Senate. I would like to continue my work with the Faculty Welfare sub-committee. I have been actively promoting adjunct welfare and would like to continue to do so. I would also like to continue work that we have done to reduce bullying on campus.

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Stacie Metz

Department: Health Sciences

I hope to serve a third term as an at-large Faculty Senate member. I would like to continue to my service as both an at-large Executive Committee member and as the chairperson of the Faculty Welfare and Ethics Committee. I am strongly dedicated to faculty professional development and the art of teaching and mentoring. My research and evaluation skill set uniquely qualifies me to conduct needs assessments and advocate for faculty needs. I am certain my enthusiasm, expertise, and connection to other university-wide committees will insurmountably contribute to the wealth of experienced leadership at the university.

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Thomas O. Miller

Department: Economics and Finance

As an Assistant Professor of Finance in my second year at WCU, I am seeking my first-term as an at-large member of the Faculty Senate. As a younger faculty member, I believe I can bring a fresh prospective to this vital forum. If elected it would represent an excellent opportunity for me to serve the university while also learning much more about its inner-workings. Thank you very much for your consideration.

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Viorel Nitica

Department: Mathematics

I have been a member in the Faculty Senate for about 3 years. During that period I was member of the Membership and By-Laws Committee. My term is ending and I would like to continue to serve as a member of the Senate. I believe that the Senate is a viable forum for various issues around the Campus.

Thank you for your vote.

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Matthew Pierlott

Department: Philosophy

I have had the privilege of serving as an At-large member of the Senate for the past three years and would like to continue supporting the Senate's work. Over that time, I have served on the Faculty Welfare and Ethics Committee, served as a Senate Liaison to the ADA committee, and actively participated in several Senate activities as a general member, including the Senate By-Laws revision process and the crafting of several advocacy letters adopted by the Senate. Currently, I have joined the Ad-hoc Committee on the Strategic Plan.

I have been learning a lot during my time of service and appreciate the role that the Senate plays as a clearinghouse of ideas, a vehicle for advocacy, and a forum for building community. I look forward to continuing that service and ask for your support in doing so. Thank you.

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Israel Sanz

Department: Languages and Cultures

As a member of the Faculty Senate for the last three years, I have been active in the Faculty Welfare subcommittee and as the liaison between the Faculty Senate and the Multicultural Faculty Commission. During my time as a member of the FS, I have discovered that the senate is really the only university-wide, faculty-led body with a voice on faculty welfare issues, and it is my intention to continue contributing to that mission. If re-elected, I will continue to be active in faculty-related issues, including faculty diversity, academic fairness and institutional support for research.

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Tina Selvaggi

Department: Literacy

I have been teaching at West Chester University since 2003, and I am currently in my first year as Assistant Professor in the Literacy Department. Prior to my work at West Chester University, I worked closely with teacher and administrators in a K-12 environment. I recently served as a proxy for a fellow faculty member and became interested in the Senate’s mission and goals. I would be honored to serve as a representative for Faculty Senate. Thank you for your consideration.

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Rani G. Selvanathan

Department: Managemrnt

I seek your support in serving as a Faculty Senate At Large Representative. My current research on measuring and improving educational sustainability has opened wide paths for me to examine issues of effectiveness of courses taught and its effect on student retention. I hope to contribute to the office elected in a positive and constructive manner. i thank you for your support.

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Danielle Skaggs

Department: Library Services

I'm new to West Chester University and interested in serving on Faculty Senate as a way of contributing to the university as well as getting involved in issues facing faculty across campus.

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Paul K. Smith

Department: Kinesiology

As a lon-term member of the Faculty Senate, I have seen many transitions and several paradigm shifts involving how the faculty of WCU relates to various issues. I feel it is important ot offer as much contribution to our faculty perspective as we can. If we don't, how can we expect others to support faculty interest areas.

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Rosemary Sullivan

Department: Mathematics

It would be my privilege to be elected as an at-large member to Faculty Senate. I am a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics. In my department I have served on two search committees, the undergraduate curriculum committee and elections committee. I would like to contribute my time and effort to serving the University outside my department. Being part of a forum that promotes the growth and development of faculty and students would be my honor. Thank you for your consideration.

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York Williams

Department: Special Education

I am a tireless advocate for students and adults with disabilities and special needs. As an educator for over twenty years I have learned the value of team work, community building, collaboration and solidarity. Teaching and learning are life-long, and at the level of Higher Education, input, buy-in and collegiality are essential. My role as a representative on the Faculty Senate is one that I envision will allow me to continue my work as a teacher leader, advocate and culturally responsive colleague who works for change and social equity. My multiple roles as a member of the University Forum, Frederick Douglas Society, African and Latino American Retention Task Force, and more, have helped to shape my interest and vision to be elected as a member of the Faculty Senate.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12