
  • This election is for Faculty Mentoring Committee CSM representative. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the Faculty Mentoring Committee CSM representative election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for Faculty Mentoring Committee CSM representative are:

Mahrukh Azam
Vipanchi Mishra

Nominations close Mar 22, 2024.
Regular Faculty in the College of the Sciences and Mathematics may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

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Mahrukh Azam

Department: Chemistry

I joined WCU in 2004. During my pre-tenure years, I fully benefitted from the Faculty Mentoring Program and now it is my turn to give back to others. This network also helped me during my promotion to the rank of full professor. I always appreciated perspectives that were outside of my field and my college. The mentorship that I received helped me in my professional development and in building my network.

I would be honored to serve on this committee and offer my services towards faculty success, professional development and retention.

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Vipanchi Mishra

Department: Psychology

I am a Faculty member in the Psychology Department and I am nominating myself to be re-elected as a CSM representative for this committee. During my time on FMC I have been involved in mentoring new faculty, evaluating mentoring programs as well as developing and conducting workshops to support adjunct faculty. I am passionate about supporting faculty in their many roles at West Chester University and being re-elected on this committee will help me continue to contribute towards the goal of faculty development at WCU. Thank you for considering me for this position.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12