
  • This election is for CAPC College of Science and Mathematics Department Representative(s). The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the CAPC College of Science and Mathematics Department Representative(s) election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for CAPC College of Science and Mathematics Department Representative(s) are:

Howell Bosbyshell
Melissa Betz Cichowicz
Premalatha Junius
John Kennedy
John Leveille
Scott Mcclintock
Karen J Mitchell
Shawn H. Pfeil
Xiaojun Ruan

Nominations close May 1, 2016.
Regular Faculty in the College of Science and Mathematics may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • Nominees must be from the (future) College of Science and Mathematics
    • Faculty in the following department may not be nominated: Biology
    • Nominees from the departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Geology and Astronomy will elected for 3 year terms (expiring in Spring 2019)
    • Nominees from the departments of Mathematics and Political Science will be elected for 2 year terms (expiring in Spring 2018)
    • Nominees from the departments of Computer Science, Psychology, and Anthropology and Sociology will be elected for 1 year terms (expiring in Spring 2017)
    • This is a college-wide election.
    • Each department can have at most three representatives on CAPC.
    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes unless such results violate the previous rule or the number of candidates does not exceed the number of positions to fill. In the later case, each candidate will be voted on by an approve/disapprove ballot.
    • Each ballot submitted counts as a cast vote.
    • Members elected to at-large seats cannot be nominated for department representative seats.

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Howell Bosbyshell

Department: Geology and Astronomy

I graduated from West Chester University in 1992 and I began my service to the Department of Geology and Astronomy as an instructor nearly twenty years ago. I actively serve the Geological Society of America as a member of the executive board of the Northeastern Section and as an editor. I have served on the WCU Sustainability Advisory Council since 2010 and I have been an active participant in general education assessment and reform. I welcome the opportunity to broaden my service to the University.

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Melissa Betz Cichowicz

Department: Chemistry

Although I have been involved on numerous occasions with curriculum revision and course development within my department, I have not served on CAPC before. I think that my experiences in the Chemistry Department would give me a perspective that I am sure would broaden when working with representatives from other departments. I would be very pleased to serve the new College of the Sciences and Mathematics in this capacity, and pledge to serve diligently for the three-year term.

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Premalatha Junius

Department: Mathematics

I have been chair of CAPC at another University where I worked hard to ensure that 'quality' was top priority; and that academic policies were implemented effectively, fairly and efficiently. I believe I can extend my experience to a serious commitment to CAPC at West Chester University, understanding that I need to take a fresh look at its mission and strategic goals.

Beginning again as a tenured assistant professor, I look forward to sharing the area of responsibility and leadership at CAPC with the other members.

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John Kennedy

Department: Political Science

I first began teaching at West Chester University in 1997 and previously served on CAPC between 2004-2006. I understand how important this committee is relative to the mission of our University and welcome the opportunity to make a contribution to it. I ask for your support.

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John Leveille

Department: Anthropology and Sociology

In my little corner of the college (from within the Sociology Program and the Department of Anthropology and Sociology), I see and experience things regarding the curriculum that are of concern to me. Perhaps this is an experience unique to me. Perhaps not. If you can understand these concerns, or if you share them, please consider voting for me to serve on CAPC. My experiences lead me to see that the academic management of this college -- both within CAPC and outside of it -- in the last so many years has been riding on the confluence of three unfortunate trends: 1) bureaucratic fetishism; 2) a good ol' boy and girls' network; 3) a Panglossian view of the world. If you wish to have an informed, knowledgeable, reasonable, and most importantly a critical voice added to CAPC, then please consider voting for me. If you are happy and content -- Yes, Candide, all is well, or at least it is all for the better! -- then please vote for someone else. (Perhaps my reference here to Candide is misplaced. After all, the new college of "science" suggests that sociology (and the social sciences more broadly) are more akin to chemistry and biology than to literature, philosophy, or history. (Does social science even exist? It appears not.) Perhaps I should have referenced Watson and Crick, or Niels Bohr, or Sheldon Cooper? But alas I know little to nothing of such things!)

Thanks, and have a great day!

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Scott Mcclintock

Department: Mathematics

I am an Associate Professor in Mathematics with the hopes of applying for Full in the next few years. Although I have never served on CAPC I have had a fair amount of curriculum development experience. I am the Program Coordinator for the Statistics concentration of our BS in Applied Mathematics. As the Program Coordinator I have made significant revisions to the degree while guiding them through the CAPC process. I have co-developed a Minor in Applied Statistics with JoAnn Kump and am currently working with CAPC to see it implemented. Finally, I have served as the CAPC liaison for our MS in Applied Statistics and have been in charge of submitting a variety of program and course changes through the CAPC process. More recently I have been working on a Fast Track program that will unify our BS and MS Statistics programs.

That said, I know that I still have a lot to learn and that is why I would like this opportunity to serve as our Department representative on CAPC.

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Karen J Mitchell

Department: Psychology

I am an assistant professor of psychology here at West Chester, but I also have many years of experience teaching and mentoring undergraduates at several other institutions. I have a deep interest in all matters associated with our undergraduate curriculum, including potential changes to the general education curriculum. Joining CAPC would allow me to become involved more formally in curricular issues. I have developed two new courses since coming to West Chester, including making our cognitive laboratory class a writing emphasis course, and I am a member of our departmental assessment committee. Hence, I am familiar with curriculum development, review, and evaluation issues. I designed and implemented a first-year enrichment workshop for first-year psychology majors here at WCU that introduces them to science-based tools to improve learning. I am highly collaborative by nature, and as a scientist, am very organized and detail-oriented. I am able and willing to meet the time commitment of CAPC as a representative from the psychology department.

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Shawn H. Pfeil

Department: Physics

I am excited to have a chance to represent the Physics department on the Curriculum and Academic Policies Council (CAPC). The work CAPC does is central to the core mission of the University, and it would be an honor to serve. I hope that my perspective as both a frequent instructor of general education courses and as a member of the Physics department's curriculum committee will be of use to the institution.

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Xiaojun Ruan

Department: Computer Science

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science Department. Since I joined West Chester University in August 2011, I have served on CASSDA Grant Review Committee and recruitment committee at College Level and graduate student committee, faculty search committee in Computer Science Department level. I hope that I will be able to contribute more in CAPC in the future.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12