
  • This election is for CAPC At-large Representative. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the CAPC At-large Representative election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for CAPC At-large Representative are:

Mahmoud Amer
Josh R. Auld
Patricia Davidson
Kevin W. Dean
Dottie Ives Dewey
Marjorie Kat Ellis
Brenda L Gaydosh
S. Christy Hicks
Susan L Johnston
Matthew Pierlott
Andrew Sargent
Jane M. Tucker
Allison Turner

Nominations close Mar 2, 2018.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • Each department can have at most three representatives on CAPC.
    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes unless such results violate the previous rule or the number of candidates does not exceed the number of positions to fill. In the later case, each candidate will be voted on by an approve/disapprove ballot.
    • Vacant seats will be filled one at a time with the current vacant seat filled by the candidate with the highest vote count. As each seat is filled, if that candidates department reaches the 3 representatives limit, any remaining candidates from the same department will be disqualified. Votes cast for disqualified candidates, as just defined, will not be considered in filling remaining vacant seats.
    • Each ballot submitted counts as a cast vote.
    • Members elected to at-large seats cannot be nominated for department representative seats.
    • Seats with longer terms will be filled first. In the case of an approve/disapprove ballot, candidates will be ranked according to number of approve votes.

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Mahmoud Amer

Department: Languages and Cultures

Dear colleagues, I am happy to submit my statement of interest as a CAPC At-large representative. I have been very fortunate to have colleagues in and outside of my department with whom I collaborated in developing new courses and degree programs (Digital Humanities Minor, Arabic Minor), and I am looking forward to serving CAPC in this capacity. I made a commitment to promote student success and engagement in all of my classes since the first time I taught, and I have always believed that curricular review and development is one of the ways to sustain that commitment to students success. I have never served before at CAPC, but in my role as Department Chairperson, I am well aware of the important work and dedication our colleagues on CAPC bring to this process. I am looking forward to the opportunity, and thank you for your vote of support.

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Josh R. Auld

Department: Biology

Dear Colleagues, I am asking for your support in continuing my service as a member of CAPC. As current CAPC Chair and past chair of the Graduate Programs & Policies Committee and the Undergraduate Policies Committee, I have had the pleasure of working with numerous faculty in a variety of contexts to facilitate curricular review and improvement. I consider it a privilege to represent the faculty in this important shared governance process, and I would be grateful for your support. CAPC embodies the faculty voice in the curriculum. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Patricia Davidson

Department: Nutrition

My name is Patricia Davidson and I am a member of the Nutrition Department. Over the course of my 5 years at WCU, I have had the privilege to serve on the Curriculum Committee for both the undergraduate and graduate programs, develop new courses, transition traditional courses to hybrid, and create several online courses at the undergraduate level and for the Master of Science in Community Nutrition and the newly developed Dietetic Internship program. In addition to my curriculum development experience at the department level, I have served as a member of CELT, the Provost-initiated Writing Program Task Force, and as a representative of the College of Health Sciences to the FYE committee. These experiences have prepared me to serve on CAPC, heightened my awareness of the importance of quality educational programs and policies that support departmental accreditation standards, and uphold our high standards of educational programs and policies.

The opportunity to serve the University in this way would be an honor. I would appreciate your consideration in voting for me as member of CAPC (At-large representative).

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Kevin W. Dean

Department: Honors College

I welcome your support as I seek another term on CAPC. For two decades some of the most meaningful “service” I provide WCU has come through this body and I welcome the opportunity to continue this work. For those of you whom I don’t know, as professor in the Department of Communication Studies (1990-2017) I coordinated the communication component of the Academic Developmental program for twenty-seven years. I currently serve my first year as Chair and my twenty-second year as the Director of the University’s Honors College where I have been actively engaged in curriculum development and review. Because of the wide range of students with whom I interact, I have found working with curricular and policy issues most rewarding. During my time on CAPC I have served as Recording Secretary, two terms as Chair of the General Assembly, and terms as chair of General Education, Academic Policies, and the Program Review committees. For the past two years I have served on the Undergraduate Policies Committee. Our campus faces exciting growth and some interesting challenges in the coming years and I would enjoy being part of the formal conversation surrounding curricular issues. Thanks for your consideration.

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Dottie Ives Dewey

Department: Geography & Planning

Dear Colleagues, I humbly request your support as I seek another term as an "at large" representative on CAPC. As the Chair of the Geography & Planning Department, I have been involved with curriculum development, learning assessment, and academic policy at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Over the past three years, I have worked with colleagues in my department to develop and implement two new programs - a baccalaureate and a master's. During my terms serving as the Interim Associate Dean of CBPM and as Faculty Associate for Policy Development for the University, I addressed an array of student challenges related to academic policy. While on CAPC, I have served on the Graduate Committee and the Undergraduate Programs Committee. I would be honored to have the opportunity to once again serve the University in this capacity and continue this important work. Thank you for your consideration!

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Marjorie Kat Ellis

Department: Kinesiology

As a 9th year faculty member of the department of kinesiology at WCU, I have had the opportunity to develop, propose and defend a variety of courses and new programs through CAPC. This, along with being a member of a number of amazing committees university-wide including the University Forum Committee and Program Evaluation Committee, has allowed me to gain invaluable experience and understanding of the high standards, incredible detail, and procedural requirements common within these settings. I have also been the Director of the Deaf Studies program which was part of my experience going through both the CAPC process and then PASSHE, as well as the graduate coordinator for the Adapted PE graduate certificate program which was developed into a 100% online program serving students nationwide. It would be an honor to take my vast learning experiences and knowledge from the past 9 years and apply them as a means to serve the university community in a new endeavor within CAPC where my familiarity and understanding of course and program development would serve me well. Thank you.

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Brenda L Gaydosh

Department: History

I ask for your support, as I am self-nominating for “at-large Representative” on CAPC. As a member of the Department of History, I taught as a fulltime adjunct from 2006-2012. In 2012, I became an assistant professor and earned promotion to associate professor in 2016. Currently, I serve my department as Graduate Coordinator. As such, I am leading the effort to revise our current curriculum. Much of my focus on campus in the past 10 years has been providing opportunities for students – from study abroad trips in summer and campus programs each semester to helping students finding funding for conferences and connecting our regional community with WCU. In my time teaching, I have seen changes in how our students use technology and the new technologies available to us as professors. Each semester, I rethink how I have been teaching and in the past year, I have found success in teaching my larger-sized classes in smaller groups, a sort of hybrid class. I would like the opportunity to work as a CAPC representative, not only to have a voice in “developing, revising, and recommending academic policy,” but also to serve WCU at the university level. Thank you for your support!

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S. Christy Hicks

Department: Special Education

I am putting my name forward for consideration for one of the CAPC At-large Representative seats. I am in my seventh year with WCU in the Department of Special Education, where I serve as the Graduate Coordinator and the chair of our department's curriculum committee. I also serve as our department's representative on the Council for Professional Education (CPE). In this role, I served on CPE's bylaws revision committee. I am active in APSCUF at the local level as an At-large member of Meet & Discuss and at the state level as a state delegate and member of the statewide Bylaws Committee. As a result of my service, I have experience with curricular work at the department and College levels and policy work at the College and state levels. I would welcome the opportunity to put this experience to work at the University level. I appreciate your time and your vote. Thank you.

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Susan L Johnston

Department: Anthropology and Sociology

I have served on CAPC since 2009 and have been the elected Vice-Chair of this body for the past three years. I am also currently the faculty co-chair of the Undergraduate Programs Committee (UGPC). Previously, I served as the first chair of the Academic Review Committee (2012-2015). CAPC has been a rewarding experience for me, and I would very much like to continue to represent the faculty on this important body. My interest in and experience with curriculum development and review run deep, spanning my academic career at WCU, where I have served on my department's curriculum committee, as chair of the department, and as an interim associate dean whose duties included review of curriculum proposals as they made their way through the approval process.

With my commitment to quality and this extensive and varied experience, I believe I can continue to contribute in a meaningful way to ensuring an effective and central role for faculty in creating and maintaining curricula. I would be most grateful for your vote.

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Matthew Pierlott

Department: Philosophy

I am submitting my name for consideration as a CAPC At-Large Representative. I have been at the university for 12 years, over which I have served in a number of roles. For my department, I have served as our Assessment Coordinator, Graduate Coordinator and now as Chair, and I served recently as Assistant Director for the Honors College. I've been involved in course and program development and revision both within my department and in collaboration with others. I am a Faculty Senator and have developed a sense of our larger campus community from my years there. Given the important work of CAPC, I hope to contribute to the dialogue and would be humbled by your support.

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Andrew Sargent

Department: English

I was fortunate to serve on CAPC for a recent three-year term and would very much welcome the opportunity to get back to this important work. My service on CAPC’s Undergraduate Programs Committee (UGPC) helped me understand how CIM proposals are evaluated and ultimately approved, and one of the things I’d like to do if elected would be to contribute to CAPC’s role in helping faculty get their course- and program-proposals through the CIM process in a way that feels collaborative rather than obstructionist. There’s a vague misperception out there that CAPC is some sort of punitive bureaucratic entity designed to enforce compliance from faculty, rather than what it actually is: a model of faculty self-governance and an essential means for faculty to make sure that the educational experience we’re offering our students is cohesive, rigorous, and thoughtful. I’d be grateful for the opportunity to continue contributing to CAPC’s ongoing mission and its collaboration with faculty across the campus. Thanks for your time and consideration.

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Jane M. Tucker

Department: Criminal Justice

I would welcome your support for "at-large representative" on CAPC. I joined the Criminal Justice Department in 2011. Since then I have been actively involved in curriculum and program development. In addition to creating a number of new courses (undergraduate, graduate, writing-emphasis, and online), I developed our CAPC proposal for the BS to MS Program. I recently submitted a strategic plan for the development of our first graduate certificate and two interdisciplinary graduate certificates in conjunction with other departments. I served as both the Practicum Coordinator and Graduate Coordinator for my department and was on the Executive Graduate Council for a short period. I am looking to increase my university-level service by serving as a CAPC representative. I believe that in order to serve our students well, we need to continuously review and revise our curriculum to meet contemporary standards. Thank you for your support.

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Allison Turner

Department: Public Policy and Administration

I am finishing my current term as a CAPC representative. I have participated on a number of committees, but my the majority of my CAPC experience has been as a member of the Graduate CAPC Committee. I bring insight relative to program-level assessment and the design and delivery of online and blended courses. I would appreciate the opportunity to continue serving in this capacity.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12