
  • This election is for CAPC At-large Representative. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the CAPC At-large Representative election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for CAPC At-large Representative are:

Beatrice Adera
Nadine Bean
Timothy J. Brown
Rebecca Chancellor
Ann Lieberman Colgan
Mary A. Houser, Ed.D.
Marjorie Kat Ellis
Jacqueline S. Hodes
Elizabeth Staruch
Dazhi Zheng

Nominations close Apr 15, 2016.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • Each department can have at most two representatives on CAPC.
    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes unless such results violate the previous rule or the number of candidates does not exceed the number of positions to fill. In the later case, each candidate will be voted on by an approve/disapprove ballot.
    • Vacant seats will be filled one at a time with the current vacant seat filled by the candidate with the highest vote count. As each seat is filled, the candidate filling that seat and any other candidates from the same department as the candidate filling that seat will be disqualified. Votes cast for disqualified candidates, as just defined, will not be considered in filling remaining vacant seats.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.
    • Members elected to at-large seats cannot be nominated for school representative seats.
    • Seats with longer terms will be filled first. In the case of an approve/disapprove ballot, candidates will be ranked according to number of approve votes.

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Beatrice Adera

Department: Special Education

This is my sixth year as a faculty member in the Special Education Department. I serve as the coordinator for student teaching supervision and member of our department curriculum committee. I am also the department representative to CPE Field Experiences Committee and a member of the CAPC Culture Cluster sub- committee. During my time at WCU, I have had the opportunity to co-author development new courses that are part of a minor that we currently offer and have had the chance to redesign courses from face-to-face format to online/hybrid format. These experiences have helped me gain some insight on how the CAPC process works including the different components that are important for course and program success. Serving on CAPC will equip me with additional experience in curricular review and development. In addition, this will be a great chance to collaborate with colleagues across campus as we work on strengthening our curricular programs and policies. I hope to have the opportunity to share my experience and serve on CAPC. Thanks for you vote.

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Nadine Bean

Department: Graduate Social Work

I would be honored to serve on CAPC as an at large representative. I have served the Master of Social Work Program as Curriculum Chair for 3 1/2 years now, overseeing, in collaboration with all other faculty members, a major revision of our curriculum to a framework of recovery, resiliency, and capacity building grounded in human rights and social and economic justice. This curricular overhaul was in response to a Council on Social Work Education's site visit report in the spring of 2013 and involved revision of our mission statement, our program goals, and our area of concentration or specialization. I oversaw the revision of all syllabi, assignments, and grading rubrics to be aligned with our new curriculum and in compliance with CSWE, university, and Middle States accreditation standards. The MSW Program was reaffirmed by CSWE in the fall of 2014. The work is ongoing as far as collaboration on quality control. Over the last couple of years, I have submitted dozens of course and program modifications to CAPC. I'd like to lend my expertise to the university at large. I have served the university in a number of leadership roles before this, most importantly as co-founder and coordinator of the Faculty Mentoring Program and as a founding member of the WCU Veterans Advisory Board. I have much to offer CAPC and a fierce commitment to WCU - it's students, faculty and staff. Thank-you for your consideration.

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Timothy J. Brown

Department: Communication Studies

Dear colleagues:

I am asking for your support to return as a member of CAPC. I believe my previous experience as a member of CAPC (9 years primarily on the undergraduate program committee) as well as, being a department chair has equipped me to serve on CAPC. In addition, my experience serving on university committees (such as TeP, the University Budget Committee, the Strategic Plan Assessment and Advocacy Committee, etc.) enable me to best represent the needs of various constituencies. Also, I believe I have the work ethic and collaborative skills that are vital for this important committee.

I appreciate your support of my candidacy.

Sincerely, Tim

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Rebecca Chancellor

Department: Anthropology & Sociology and Psychology

I am a faculty member in the Departments of Anthropology & Sociology and Psychology in my third year at West Chester University. During this time I have been deeply committed to our institute’s mission to provide students with an academic program that is innovative, challenging, and that fosters achievement in our student body. Over the past three years I have developed a new interdisciplinary course in the Departments of Anthropology & Sociology and Psychology and have revised/updated courses in order to implement more recent technological and pedagogical advances. In addition I have co-created academic opportunities for students to gain international experience through a study abroad program in Rwanda. As an interdepartmental hire at WCU I am passionate about creating interdisciplinary courses and programs of study that allow students to engage in multiple perspectives in order to synthesize new approaches to solving problems. I am excited about the opportunity to join CAPC in order to continue to build upon the strong academic program at West Chester University through the development of programs that reach across academic disciplines and by providing support to faculty in their efforts to develop new and innovative courses for our students. I thank you for your consideration.

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Ann Lieberman Colgan

Department: EDS - Pre-Major Academic Advising

As incoming Interim Director of Pre-Major Academic Advising, in my tenth year as a Pre-Major Academic Advisor and third year of being tenure-track, I would like to participate in CAPC to understand and contribute to the processes of determining course and program approvals. Working on CAPC will provide holistic comprehension of WCU’s programs and enable me and PMAA to better support our 1500 exploratory students as they move into departments all across campus. My WCU experience began with my undergraduate enrollment here, continued with over a decade of experience in the Learning Assistance and Resource Center in various roles, and resumed in PMAA after a few years return to teaching secondary History. I am fortunate to have already collaborated with many departments and faculty across campus when I directed the Freshman Interest Groups from 2009 to 2014. Finally, I have worked with PMAA faculty to develop an advising curriculum designed to move our students into suitable majors in your departments in a timely way, and I have written curriculum for secondary education social studies courses in my previous career teaching secondary History.

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Mary A. Houser, Ed.D.

Department: Special Education

It is my desire to serve as an At-large Representative for CAPC. Prior to coming to WCU, I was a curriculum developer for an on-line university responsible for developing special education curricula at the graduate level. I began my assistant professor of Special Education position at WCU in 2013. Since then, I have served on our department's curriculum committee. Additionally, I have acted as a co-chair of the College of Education's Assessment and Accreditation committee (standing committee of CPE that represents teacher education programs). I currently serve on CPE Exec as well. I enjoy the collaborative process and it is my interest to expand my service in both curriculum and assessment at the University level.

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Marjorie Kat Ellis

Department: Kinesiology

As a member of the Department of Kinesiology, I have had the opportunity to develop new courses and programs, including a new minor that was approved by both CAPC and PASSHE. During this time I gained great insight and experience in how the CAPC process worked, including the integral aspects for course and program success and approval. After seven years of being on the development end of the CAPC process, I am excited about the possibility of taking my expertise to the evaluation and approval process in order to provide integral guidance and assistance to my fellow peers in course/program revisions and developments. Being a part of CAPC is a time consuming, yet highly rewarding endeavor and one that I would very much welcome being a part of. I appreciate your consideration in allowing me to become an integral part of West Chester University's exemplary course and program development committee. Thank you.

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Jacqueline S. Hodes

Department: Counselor Education

Dear Colleagues, I would be honored to continue serving on CAPC as an At-large member. I have served on CAPC since 2012 first as a proxy and then as an At-large member. I have been a member on the CAPC General Education Committee and for the past three years, a member on Graduate CAPC.

In my current faculty position in the Department of Counselor Education, I teach graduate students who are pursuing careers in higher education and school counseling. I am also currently serving as the Faculty Coordinator of First Year (Block) Scheduling. Previous to my appointment to a tenure-track faculty position, I served West Chester University for 26 years in the Division of Student Affairs. All of these roles give me a unique perspective regarding curriculum and policy development.

I would like to continue serving on CAPC as we collectively maintain and improve our curricula, programs, and policies in our efforts to enhance student success.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

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Elizabeth Staruch

Department: Theatre and Dance

My name is Liz Staruch and I am faculty in the Department of Theatre and Dance. I previously served on CAPC for a one-year term. I supported the work of CAPC as a member of the Academic Review committee and co-chaired the Program Review committee for three years. On behalf of my department and CVPA, I co-chaired Theatre and Dance’s reaccreditation process this year and assisted in the overhaul of our dept curriculum in 2012 to bring the BA Theatre program in line with the Board of Governor’s mandate. All of these experiences serve as inspiration to deepen my commitment of service to the university in terms of curricular issues. I would be honored to serve again on CAPC and would appreciate your vote.

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Dazhi Zheng

Department: Economics and Finance

Dear colleagues, this is Dazhi Zheng and I am an Associate Professor from the department of Economics and Finance, CBPM. Since joined WCU on 2010, I have developed various types of courses, such as upper level major courses, graduate courses, condensed format courses, online courses, and hybrid courses, etc. All those courses have gone through CAPC approval, so I have been constantly contacting and getting help from CAPC. I truly appreciate their works and helps. Currently I also serve as a co-Chair for our department curriculum committee to help re-design our undergraduate program and develop a Master degree program. I would like to have the opportunity to share my experience with the University committee and to serve on the CAPC. Your vote is truly appreciated.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12