
  • This election is for CAPC At-large Representative. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the CAPC At-large Representative election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for CAPC At-large Representative are:

Josh Auld
Cristobal Cardemil-Krause
Rebecca Chancellor
Kevin W. Dean
Dottie Ives Dewey
David Doorn
Mary Beth Gilboy
Susan L Johnston
Jeff Osgood
Diane Santori
Helen Schroepfer
Geeta Shivde
Christine Thomas
Dazhi Zheng

Nominations close Mar 16, 2015.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • No one from Sports Medicine may nominate at this time.
    • Each department can have at most two representatives on CAPC.
    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes unless such results violate the previous rule or the number of candidates does not exceed the number of positions to fill. In the later case, each candidate will be voted on by an approve/disapprove ballot.
    • Vacant seats will be filled one at a time with the current vacant seat filled by the candidate with the highest vote count. As each seat is filled, the candidate filling that seat and any other candidates from the same department as the candidate filling that seat will be disqualified. Votes cast for disqualified candidates, as just defined, will not be considered in filling remaining vacant seats.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.
    • Members elected to at-large seats cannot be nominated for school representative seats.
    • Seats with longer terms will be filled first. In the case of an approve/disapprove ballot, candidates will be ranked according to number of approve votes.

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Josh Auld

Department: Biology

I held a one-year term on CAPC in 2013-14, and I have served as an ad hoc appointee on the Graduate Programs and Policies Committee in 2014-15. I am asking for your support, as I seek a full term, to continue the work of contributing to the improvement of our curriculum and academic policies. Serving in this fashion allows me to extend my departmental service (as Assessment Coordinator and a member of the departmental Graduate Committee and Curriculum Committee) to the university level.

Thank you for your time and support.

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Cristobal Cardemil-Krause

Department: Languages and Cultures

I would appreciate the opportunity to serve at CAPC and help with the development of the university vision at the curricular level. I have worked in the creation of both face-to-face and online courses that have gone successfully through the CAPC process, as well as reviewing courses at the Department of Languages and Cultures. I understand the importance of this shared responsibility. Thank you for your support.

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Rebecca Chancellor

Department: Anthropology & Sociology and Psychology

This is my second year as a tenure-track faculty member at West Chester University in the Departments of Anthropology & Sociology and Psychology. I am currently an advisor to the Animal Behavior Club, an APSCUF representative, and have served on a number of departmental committees, and I am looking forward to becoming more involved in service at the University level. I recently developed a cross-listed undergraduate course and am excited to become more involved in the course development process at WCU. Thanks and I appreciate your vote.

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Kevin W. Dean

Department: Communication Studies

I welcome your support as I seek another term on CAPC. For nearly two decades some of the most meaningful “service” I provide WCU has come through this body and I welcome the opportunity to continue this work. For those of you whom I don’t know, I am a professor in the Department of Communication Studies where I have coordinated the communication component of the Summer Academic Developmental program for twenty-three years. I also am serving in my nineteenth year as the Director of the University’s Honors College where I have been actively engaged in curriculum development and review. Because of the wide range of students with whom I interact, I have found working with curricular and policy issues most rewarding. During my time on CAPC I have served as Recording Secretary, two terms as Chair of the General Assembly, and terms as chair of General Education, Academic Policies, and the Program Review committees. Our campus faces some interesting challenges in the coming years and I would enjoy being part of the formal debate. Thanks for your consideration.

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Dottie Ives Dewey

Department: Geography & Planning

Dear Colleagues,

I appreciate your support as I seek a second term in CAPC. In my first term, I served on the Graduate CAPC Committee and was able to contribute to the clarification and revision of graduate policies and support the development of new graduate programs. I would like to continue my service on this committee to encourage the growth of high-quality graduate education at West Chester University. From my work as a department chairperson and in handling student issues for CBPA, I have experience interpreting and applying academic policies and an appreciation of the impact of academic policies on the student experience. I hope to build on this knowledge to continue to identify areas for improvement. Thank you for your consideration.

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David Doorn

Department: Economics and Finance

Since arriving at WCU in the fall of 2012 I have striven to be an active member of the campus community. This has included being involved at a variety of levels – department, college, and university.

In addition to being a vocal participant and agent for change at department meetings, I have been involved with numerous department activities including membership on faculty search committees and service on the department’s Assessment Committee, which I will be coordinator for next year. At the college level, I serve as my department’s representative to the CBPA’s Undergraduate Program Committee and I have also served on the CBPA Task Force on AACSB Faculty Qualifications, to help ensure we meet the standards put forth by the Business School’s accrediting body. For the university, I am currently a member of the CAPC Low Enrollment Advisory subcommittee and I have served on the University’s Distance Education Advisory Committee as well. For the past year I have been involved with the WCU Assurance of Student Learning Initiative and I was also part of the first cohort of the campus Blended Learning Initiative, which seeks to encourage and enhance the development of online and hybrid courses at WCU.

With all of these groups I have never hesitated to speak up and add my input to any discussions, while at the same time being very open-minded in taking others viewpoints and ideas into consideration. I would continue this approach in my service on CAPC, seeking to represent all of you as best I can.

The above, along with many years of experience in similar roles at my previous institution, has well prepared me for the breadth of topics dealt with by CAPC. I am very interested in putting my knowledge and experience to work in helping WCU become the best it can be for all stakeholders. I would greatly appreciate your support in these endeavors.

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Mary Beth Gilboy

Department: Nutrition

I would appreciate your support for the opportunity to serve West Chester University on CAPC. As a faculty member in the Department of Nutrition, College of Health Sciences, I have developed several courses including online and traditional formats throughout the last eight years. My experience includes developing and gaining approval for graduate and undergraduate courses. I would like to use my experience and gain valuable knowledge from CAPC to contribute to course and curriculum development and academic policies of the University.

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Susan L Johnston

Department: Anthropology and Sociology

I have served on CAPC since 2009 and have chaired the Academic Review Committee, one of the core CAPC committees, since 2012. In this capacity, I have overseen work by several subcommittees with responsibilities that include course delivery (e.g. distance education) and course review and revalidation, among others. As part of this role I have also served on CAPC Exec. CAPC has been a rewarding experience for me, and I would very much like to continue to represent the faculty on this important body. My interest in and experience with curriculum development and review run deep, spanning my academic career at WCU, where I have served on my department’s curriculum committee, as chair of the department, and as interim associate dean.

With my commitment to quality and this extensive and varied experience, I believe I can continue to contribute in a meaningful way to ensuring an effective and central role for faculty in creating and maintaining curricula. I would be most grateful for your vote.

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Jeff Osgood

Department: Public Policy and Admin.

Dear Colleagues:

I am asking for your support to continue my service as a member of CAPC. During the past three years, I have had the honor of Chairing CAPC and working with departments and faculty members in preparing their proposals so that they meet CAPC guidelines. At the department level, I am the Chair and Director of the MPA Program, which has provided me the opportunity to better understand the unique demands of operating within the parameters of a specialized accrediting body. I believe the sum of my experiences makes me an excellent candidate and I would welcome the opportunity to continue my involvement in this important shared governance committee.

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Diane Santori

Department: Literacy

I am an Associate Professor in the Literacy Department (in my 7th year) and I served on CAPC from 2012-2014. This past year, I continued to work with the Academic Review Committee as an ad-hoc member and I am serving as co-chair of the Course Review and Revalidation subcommitee of ARC. While in this position, I was actively involved in drafting a report on class size for CAPC review. Serving on CAPC has provided me valuable opportunities to work with colleagues across campus on important policies. I am also the co-chair of the Committee for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CELT) and I find it helpful to share my experiences and knowledge from working with both committees in various settings. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve a full 3-year term on CAPC.

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Helen Schroepfer

Department: Philosophy

I have been a member of CAPC since 2008, serving initially on the Graduate Committee (2008-2011). I am currently serving as Secretary of CAPC (since 2013), on the Undergraduate Program Committee (since 2011), and as Chair of the Culture Cluster Subcommittee (since 2013). This semester I am also serving as an assistant to the Academic Review Committee, overseeing the work of the Course Delivery and the Course Inactivation Subcommittees. I have also served on several ad-hoc committees, currently as Chair of the Restrictive Majors Committee and in 2013 on the Academic Renewal Subcommittee. Given this range of experience with both undergraduate and graduate programs, and my ongoing commitment to CAPC, I believe that I could serve you well if re-elected.

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Geeta Shivde

Department: Psychology

I would welcome the opportunity to serve the WCU community by becoming a member of CAPC. I have had the opportunity to teach both large general education classes, as well as specialized classes within our major program In the Psychology Department, and I know how important it is to have a curriculum that allows students to make connections across disciplines as well as delve deeply into their chosen field of study. I am also a member of the Psychology Department’s undergraduate curriculum committee, and have experience in broad curriculum redesign as well as the approval process for individual courses. Having faculty lead the process of shaping the curriculum at every level is crucially important, and I hope to help make additional contributions through the work of CAPC.

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Christine Thomas

Department: Nursing

I have been teaching in the nursing department for over 15 years and have served on CAPC for the last 5 years. In these roles I have become aware of the importance of quality educational programs and policies that support individual departmental accreditation standards and student success. I would like to continue to serve on CAPC and uphold the high standards of the educational programs and policies at WCU.

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Dazhi Zheng

Department: Economics & Finance Department

This is my fifth year at WCU and I would like to have a chance to participate in services at the University level. In the past several years I have designed different types of courses in the department of Eco & Fin, including online courses, hybrid courses, and condensed form courses, etc. and I also have offered those courses at both the undergraduate level and the graduate level. To participate in CAPC operations would be a good opportunity for me to learn more in designing courses and degree programs and better serve the University. Your support would be highly appreciated.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12