
  • This election is for CAPC At-large Representative. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the CAPC At-large Representative election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for CAPC At-large Representative are:

Josh Auld
Neil Curtis
Sharon DeJoy
Marjorie K Ellis
Michael Fisher
Daniel Forbes
Alison Gardiner-Shires
Cynthia Haggard
Wayne Hanley
Jacqueline S. Hodes
Jane Kenney
Tim Lutz
Rodney Mader
Melissa Reed
Loretta Rieser-Danner
Elizabeth Simon Ruchti
Lisa Ruchti
Jack Waber
Kuhio Walters
Juliet Wunsch

Nominations close Mar 26, 2013.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • Seats are for three-year terms, with the terms ending in May 2016, except where noted.
    • At-Large (6 seats)* (4 seats three-year term; 2 seats, one-year term ending May 2014).
    • Each department can have at most two representatives on CAPC.
    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes unless such results violate the previous rule or the number of candidates does not exceed the number of positions to fill. In the later case, each candidate will be voted on by an approve/disapprove ballot.
    • Vacant seats will be filled one at a time with the current vacant seat filled by the candidate with the highest vote count. As each seat is filled, the candidate filling that seat and any other candidates from the same department as the candidate filling that seat will be disqualified. Votes cast for disqualified candidates, as just defined, will not be considered in filling remaining vacant seats.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.
    • Members elected to at-large seats cannot be nominated for school representative seats.
    • Seats with longer terms will be filled first. In the case of an approve/disapprove ballot, candidates will be ranked according to number of approve votes.

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Josh Auld

Department: Biology

I am a junior faculty member serving as Assessment Coordinator for the Biology Department as well as a member of the Departmental Curriculum Committee. I am running for a seat on CAPC because I seek the opportunity to extend and unite these service positions at the University level.

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Neil Curtis

Department: Sports Medicine

I am in my 20th year as a faculty member at WCU. I have served previous terms on CAPC and am eager to provide service to this committee and the university again. I have experience as a department chair, program coordinator, policies committee member, and graduate committee member that will allow me to provide insight and expertise as a member of CAPC.

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Sharon DeJoy

Department: Health

Having served on the equivalent of CAPC at my previous institution, I am eager to begin serving at WCU. This is an important opportunity to provide input on curricular issues and build relationships with my new colleagues.

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Marjorie K Ellis

Department: KIN

I am an associate professor in the department of kinesiology with an interest in new course development, especially within the undergraduate program. I have previous experience on the receiving end of CAPC with respect to the new program developments of ASL as a foreign language option and the ASL culture cluster. I would like to use my background and expertise in program development, pedagogy, and diversity to help ensure that undergraduate programs at WCU remain exemplary, especially new and revised programs. I am especially interested in being a part of the Undergraduate CAPC committee. Thank you.

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Michael Fisher

Department: Mathematics

I would like to be considered for nomination to CAPC as an At-large Representative. I have previously served on a similar committee at a different institution. I have taught general education courses, major courses, and graduate courses and I am committed to high quality courses at every level. I believe that my experience and interest in the development of interdisciplinary courses makes me a candidate worthy of consideration.

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Daniel Forbes

Department: Philosophy

I have served on CAPC for about a year now, and currently serve on the Graduate Programs subcommittee. In the past year this subcommittee has been diligently working on approving changes to the many graduate programs that are actively responding to the changing demands of the job market and working to provide unique educational opportunities at WCU. The subcommittee also has been hard at work developing and refining policies for the graduate school that better serve the needs of our graduate students, who more than ever are coming from more diverse backgrounds and experiencing new career challenges. As an educator that teaches general education, upper-division undergraduate, and core graduate-level courses in my department, I am very aware of the differences in needs between our undergraduate and graduate students, and how important it is to have programs and policies that address the needs of graduate students who are changing careers and juggling the challenges and responsibilities of their work, their family, and their education. I’m pleased and proud to be involved in this important university work that contributes to improving the value of an education at WCU, and would very much like to continue to contribute in this capacity.

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Alison Gardiner-Shires

Department: Sports Medicine

I am a fifth year faculty member in the Department of Sports Medicine. Over the past several years I have become increasingly interested in curricular issues and currently serve on our Department Curriculum Committee. I have experience with general education and hybrid courses and have been involved in a wide variety of course revisions throughout my time at WCU. I would be honored to become a member of CAPC.

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Cynthia Haggard

Department: Professional and Secondary Education

My degree is in Curriculum and Instruction, so serving on CAPC is a good use of my time and talents. I would like to be a part of making sure that the WCU curriculum is relevant for our students and retains academic integrity.

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Wayne Hanley

Department: History

I have an abiding interest in maintaining the high quality of our academic programs and curricula, especially our General Education program. Having served on the CAPC Gen. Ed. committee for the past five years, I would welcome the opportunity to continue in that capacity, representing the College of Arts and Sciences.

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Jacqueline S. Hodes

Department: Counselor Education

As a new faculty member in the College of Education--Department of Counselor Education, I have been fortunate to serve as a proxy on CAPC this academic year. I am currently serving as a member of the CAPC General Education Committee.

I have a unique perspective regarding curriculum and policy. I served West Chester University for 25 years in the Division of Student Affairs. I have taught as an adjunct at WCU in the Department of Counselor Education (1992-1996; 2008-2012)and the Department of Health (1999-2004) and in the School of Education at University of Delaware (2010-2012).

In my current faculty position I teach graduate students who are pursuing careers in higher education and school counseling. I would like to continue serving on CAPC as we collectively maintain and improve our curricula, programs, and policies in our efforts to enhance student success.

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Jane Kenney

Department: Professional and Secondary Education

I am a newly tenured faculty member in the Department of Professional and Secondary Education interested in expanding my knowledge about the university's academic curriculum and policies as well as becoming more involved in helping to maintain a strong academic program at WCU. My degree in educational psychology has provided me with a firm knowledge in research-based pedagogical practices that promote successful learning. I was a member of the Council of Professional Education (CPE) where we discussed education courses. Over the past several semesters I have incorporated a hybrid instructional approach in my classes and have focused my research on the effectiveness of online instruction and educational technology on student learning. My experience in this area will be helpful as more online courses are being developed and offered at WCU. I appreciate your support and would be honored to serve on this important committee.

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Tim Lutz

Department: Geology & Astronomy

WCU’s draft strategic plan sets goals for promoting sustainability through the curriculum and for implementing a new Gen Ed program in Fall of 2017. As a signatory of the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment, WCU is expected to make “sustainability a part of the curriculum… for all students.” How this will occur is uncertain. Many faculty are not sure what sustainability is, or how and why it should inform their courses. After three semesters as WCU’s Sustainability Coordinator, two years on CAPC, and a number of years teaching sustainability, I would like to continue on CAPC to contribute to a better understanding of sustainability and its place in renewing the curriculum.

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Rodney Mader

Department: English

I have been a CAPC member since 2005, and the Chair of the General Education Committee since 2011. We are incredibly lucky to have a strong shared governance structure in place at WCU, and, if elected, I will continue to work to make CAPC policies and procedures as transparent and responsive to faculty and students as possible.

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Melissa Reed

Department: Kinesiology

I am a member of the Kinesiology Department and I am seeking your support to serve on CAPC for the upcoming term.

I am completing my second year at West Chester University and I have previously been active in curriculum development and academic policy. I have been a part of several new course developments at prior institutions and I would welcome the opportunity to serve at West Chester. Additionally, I am experienced in creating and delivering both online and hybrid courses. Over the past five years I have created and/or facilitated approximately a dozen online and hybrid courses. If appointed, I look forward to being involved in curriculum development and serving the West Chester University community.

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Loretta Rieser-Danner

Department: Psychology

I have had the distinct pleasure of serving as a member of CAPC, in a variety of capacities, for several years. I have served on the Policies Committee, the Program Review Committee, and the General Education Committee. I served as CAPC Recording Secretary for two years and I am currently serving in the position of Vice-Chair. I have learned so much from my work with CAPC, about the larger curricular issues that affect the institution as a whole and about the wide variety of curricular issues that affect individual programs acros the campus. I've enjoyed, more than I can say, getting to know and working with so many WCU faculty across the university. And, I look forward to continuing that work for the next several years with your support. I respectfully request that you permit me to remain a member of CAPC by approving my nomination.

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Elizabeth Simon Ruchti

Department: Philosophy and Women's and Gender Studie

I am excited for the opportunity to run for CAPC. In recent years, I find myself growing increasingly passionate about curricular development and my scholarly and service work has shifted to focus on pedagogy. My academic training comes from interdisciplinary programs in the humanities and the performing and visual arts. Every semester for the past six years, I have taught I, J, and W courses at WCU. I also recently developed two general education courses, which I am currently submitting for I and J designations. This spring, I will give a conference paper on pedagogical techniques for building diversity in philosophy departments.

With my academic training in interdisciplinary programs; service in curriculum; experience building and teaching I, J, and W courses; and research in pedagogy; I come to CAPC with valuable experience. I also, however, come with a strong investment in engaging with and learning from my colleagues as we develop and grow WCU’s curriculum.

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Lisa Ruchti

Department: Women's and Gender Studies and Sociology

As current Chair of the Diverse Communities (J) Sub-Committee of the General Education Committee of CAPC, I remain very committed to ensuring that our students learn about diversity from the perspective of understanding structural inequalities as well as the agency, voice, and resistance of traditionally underrepresented groups.

My own teaching, research, and other university service reflect my commitment to a safe and socially just campus climate. For example, I continue to teach WOS 225 and all my classes using Intersectionality as my primary theoretical framework to study the power dynamics of social constructs of gender, race, class, sexuality, and nationality. I have also served as LGBTQA Faculty Associate for the past two years. I am on the College of Arts and Sciences Diversity Committee.

If re-elected to CAPC and reappointed as Chair of the J Committee, I promise to continue to work with faculty individually and in departments to offer our students the theoretical and practical tools they need to thrive in a socially, politically, and economically diverse society. Thank you for your support.

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Jack Waber

Department: Biology

It is my view that faculty control of the curriculum is critical. I have and would like to continue to maintain and even expand that control.

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Kuhio Walters

Department: English

As a CAPC proxy and contributing member of the newly formed Program Review subcommittee, I am becoming familiar with WCU’s policies and procedures for curricular development and assessment. Also, as scheduler for the English Department, I have gained familiarity with many issues of concern to CAPC. Overall, I am committed to a curriculum that is designed, driven, and assessed by faculty, and if elected, I will pour my energy and enthusiasm into this important work.

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Juliet Wunsch

Department: Theatre and Dance

I am a member of the Department of Theatre and Dance, and would be honored to have your support to continue to serve on CAPC. As a member of CAPC, I have had the pleasure of serving on the Undergraduate Policy Committee, reviewing our grading system (specifically NG and IP policy), as well as policy regarding the Academic Renewal Review and Winter Sessions. I am currently serving as a member of the General Education Committee, reviewing general education proposals as well as looking at current practices and methods to assess the goals of General Education at West Chester University. Other committees which have educated me in the CAPC process include: the Student Learning Outcome Committee (SLOC), The Assessment Advisory Committee, a Middlestates Review Committee, and a University Wide Assessment Policy Planning Group. Assessment of student learning has been a particular interest and part of my university service since coming to West Chester University in 1999. My interest in curriculum planning and academic policy is very student centered: What is a well rounded student? What type of student best represents the values and goals of West Chester University? How can the institution best meet student needs while maintaining the highest level of excellence? I am a good fit for CAPC because I have a strong interest in understanding student learning. I am open minded and willing to recognize the unique needs of Colleges, Departments and Co-Curricular venues. I have a strong desire to understand the “big picture”. I am a committed team member, and strong collaborator. I would greatly appreciate your continued support, and look forward to serving on CAPC.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12