
  • This election is for CAPC At-large Representative. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the CAPC At-large Representative election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for CAPC At-large Representative are:

R. Lorraine Bernotsky
Mary Brewster
Giovanni Casotti
Fran Cleland
Judith Greenamyer
John G. Helion
Anne Herzog
Stephen Marvin
Judith Ray
Stacey Schlau
W. Craig Stevens
Karin Volkwein

Nominations close Mar 14, 2001.
All Regular Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • The departments of Theater, Communications, Geography, Chemistry, English, and Mathematics have continuing representation on CAPC by at-large representatives. Faculty from these departments should not be nominated for an at-large seat on CAPC.
    • Note the following change: Faculty wishing to be nominated for both an at-large seat and a school representative seat must complete both nomination forms. Nominees for at-large seats that are unsuccessful in that election will not be automatically nominated for a school representative seat. Nominations for school representative will remain open for at least two days after the results of the CAPC at-large election are posted. Nominees for school representative that are successful in the at-large election will be disqualified in the school representative election.
    • Each department can have at most one at-large representative on CAPC.
    • The election is decided by a plurality of those casting votes unless such results violate the previous rule or the number of candidates does not exceed the number of positions to fill. In the later case, each candidate will be voted on by an approve/disapprove ballot.
    • Vacant seats will be filled one at a time with the current vacant seat filled by the candidate with the highest vote count. As each seat is filled, the candidate filling that seat and any other candidates from the same department as the candidate filling that seat will be disqualified. Votes cast for disqualified candidates, as just defined, will not be considered in filling remaining vacant seats.
    • Each candidate selected counts as a cast vote.
    • Members elected to at-large seats cannot be nominated for school representative seats.
    • Seats with longer terms will be filled first. In the case of an approve/disapprove ballot, candidates will be ranked according to number of approve votes.

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R. Lorraine Bernotsky

Department: Political Science

After serving as a proxy for two years, I was elected to CAPC in 1999. During my time on the committee, I have served on the Undergraduate Programs Committee and on the Interdisciplinary Committee. I am very interested in continuing my involvement on CAPC, especially in light of the changes that will result from the adoption of the new general education curriculum. I believe it is important for the membership of CAPC to represent a range of perspectives and I would welcome the opportunity to continue to be a part of this general committee and its various subcommittees.

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Mary Brewster

Department: Criminal Justice

I have served on CAPC since 1994, first as a proxy and then as an elected member. As a member of CAPC, I have also actively participated in the Committee for University Academic Policies and Procedures and the General Education Committee. This year, I am serving as Chair of the General Education Committee and Vice Chair of CAPC. I am seeking another term as an at-large representative to CAPC so that I may continue to participate in the important work of this committee.

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Giovanni Casotti

Department: Biology

I have been involved with CAPC since 1998, first as a proxy, then as an Art and Sciences representative. I am a member of the Graduate subcommittee and have actively participated in issues of Graduate curriculum and policy. I have enjoyed discussions both in Graduate subcommittee and on the general floor of CAPC. I would like the opportunity to continue my representation of the sciences, which traditionally have been underrepresented in the past.

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Fran Cleland

Department: Kinesiology

I have a keen interest in serving on CAPC since curricular reform and innovative approaches to teaching in higher education are my areas of research and study. My recent involvement with curricular reform (i.e., WCU general education seminar) provided a unique and rich experience and contributes to the perpsectives I could offer as a member of CAPC. Finally, I would enjoy representing the ideas and initiatives of Health Sciences faculty.

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Judith Greenamyer

Department: Biology

I have been on CAPC for 6 years, serving on the graduate subcommittee and CUAAP. I have been in the thick of the arguments over how to implement the Academic Passport since it was first suggested by Harrisburg. I have also been involved with the Passport's subsequent impact on our general education program. During the recent proposed revisions to the general education program, I have tried to address the concerns of many different faculty, including those outside the Biology Department. I would like to continue on CAPC to ensure a quality education with equal application of academic policies to all students, whether they start here or transfer in.

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John G. Helion

Department: Kinesiology

The students here today are being prepared for the world of tomorrow. As such the courses and requirements set forth for the student must prepare them to meet this challenge. The structure of programs and courses are important if we are going to prepare our students for their role in our rapidly changing society. As a member of this CAPC I would expend my efforts in helping us create and offer programs and courses that would ultimately help us all meet our goal in this endeavor.

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Anne Herzog

Department: English

The recent process of revising WCU's General Education Program has made clear the importance of CAPC's work in strengthening and securing a high quality education for WCU students. While I have served on the Faculty Senate, the University Forum, and other campus-wide working committees, I have not had the opportunity to focus on the academic and curricular matters designated as CAPC's. I would be happy to do so as an At-large representative to CAPC.

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Stephen Marvin

Department: FHG Library

I am serving on the CAPC Graduate Committee, and have had the opportunity to focus not only on academic and curricular matters but student concerns and impressions as well. As an At-large representative to CAPC, I would like to safeguard the concerns students and faculty have expressed for diversity, flexibility and concerns for quality improvements in their learning objectives and curriculum goals. As an occasional Proxy, I was impressed with the forum CAPC provides to present and appreciate multiple sides and issues of concern, particularly, as an example, with the General Education discussion.

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Judith Ray

Department: Kinesiology

I have served as proxy for Dr. Karin Volkwein for the past two years. Her term of service is ending and I would like to continue to work on this committee as a member representing myself. The CAPC committee is an important committe and serves a unique function in overseeing curricular matters of this university. As a member and representative of the CAPC committee I will continue to offer my expertise, experience and assistance in developing a quality curriculum and sensible curricular changes for the projected future of this university and it's students. Curriculum is the basis on which our educational system is founded. A sound curriculum will prepares our students for the workforce now and in the future. For the past two years, working as a member of CAPC I have been involved in helping to formulate decisions which will affect this institution and it's students for some time to come. The experiences I have gained from working on this university wide committee and its sub-committees as a proxy has prepred me to serve and make a signficant contribution to the university and it's students at large.

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Stacey Schlau

Department: Foreign Languages

Having participated in the process of general education revision over a number of years, I wish to continue serving CAPC and the WCU community in general on curricular matters, particularly regarding general education.

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W. Craig Stevens

Department: Kinesiology

I have had the privilege to serve on CAPC since 1997. In my first two years I was a member of the Undergraduate Programs Committee and in these last two years I have served on the General Education Committee. During my membership on the General Education Committee I also served on the Ad-hoc subcommittee charged with developing a working definition of Humanities and chaired the Culture Cluster Subcommittee. I have enjoyed my work over the last four years and feel that I have contributed in a positive fashion. I would like to continue to serve West Chester University as a member of CAPC. Therefore, I ask for your consideration when casting your ballot. Thank you.

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Karin Volkwein

Department: Kinesiology

Thank you for your support previously - I am interested in running again for CAPC in order to help facilitate the very important work on campus associated with curriculum development -- and this time, I will be fully present since my sabbatical will be over by fall 2001. Since my teachings and research are interdisciplinary in nature, I think my work on the committee will be very valuable and diverse.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12