
  • This election is for APSCUF State Delegates. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the APSCUF State Delegates election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for APSCUF State Delegates are:

David Backer
Cristobal Cardemil-Krause
Tina Chiarelli-Helminiak
Randall Cream
Claire Dente
Kim Doan
Wei Du
Thomas Elmer
Blaise Frost
Christy Hicks
Harry D. Holt
Clifford Johnston
Seth Kahn
Orhan Kara
Liam Oliver Lair
Lisa Millhous
Dana Morrison
Joseph W. Moser
Dawn Patterson
Cassandra Reyes
Chris Stangl
I. Larry Udell
Julie Wiest
Jamie Woodlief

Nominations close Mar 31, 2021.
All APSCUF Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • The 12 candidates with the highest vote total will be seated as delegate. The next 5 candidates will be seated as alternates provided they reach the 25% threshold required to be seated as a state delegate.
    • State Delegates are elected by a plurality of votes cast, with no delegate being elected with less than twenty-five percent of the ballots cast.
    • State Delegate seats will be filled by the candidates with the highest vote count until all seats are filled. The remaining candidates, ranked by highest vote count, will fill seats for Alternate State Delegate until all seats for alternates are filled.

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David Backer

Department: Educational Foundations and Policy Studi

I have served as a delegate for the last three years and would be happy to continue participating in this important function.

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Cristobal Cardemil-Krause

Department: Languages and Cultures

I've had the pleasure of being an alternate state delegate for the last year and to participate in a Legislative Assembly in the past. I was able to see the importance of the work our delegation and the union. I would be honored to be elected as a state delegate for the upcoming academic year.

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Tina Chiarelli-Helminiak

Department: Graduate Social Work

Dear colleagues, Thank you for your support in electing me to serve as the WCU representative on the PASSHE Faculty Council! As a way to ensure I best represent the interests of not only WCU faculty, but those from our sister institutions as well, I ask for your additional support to serve a third term as a WCU APSCUF State Delegate. Thank you and be well!

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Randall Cream

Department: English

I ask for your support as APSUF State Delegate to represent the faculty at WCU in their solidarity with colleagues across PASSHE. This is a critical time for our union in PA, and we must rise to the challenge, together. I've worked on your behalf at Legislative Assembly for 4 years and would love to continue to serve you in our union.

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Claire Dente

Department: Undergraduate Social Work

Attending the APSCUF Legislative Assembly is an opportunity to participate in the delivery of higher education to students across the Commonwealth. It provides opportunities to collaborate and advocate on behalf of our students and their access to education. I have served as an APSCUF State Delegate and hope that I can continue to engage with faculty from the other universities in the Pennsylvania state system. It is an honor to represent West Chester's faculty at Legislative Assembly. As a social worker, it is important to me to promote equity for faculty and access to quality education so that our students can grow as participative members of our communities. Thank you for your consideration for this position.

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Kim Doan

Department: Special Education

Hello! I have been a dept representative to APSCUF since my very first semester on campus in 2008. I have served on the state-wide APSCUF scholarship committee for the past 7-8 years as well as the state-wide Special Services committee. I am ready to give more to WCU-APSCUF so that WCU is well represented. I am a good listener and consider many sides before I make a decision. Of course, my primary interest is representing WCU. I ask for your support as state delegate in representing WCU at state-wide APSCUF meetings. Thank you for considering me.

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Wei Du

Department: Economics and Finance

I enjoyed the opportunity to serve as a state delegate over the past two years and have learned a lot about our union. I am seeking to serve for the second term. Thank you for your support.

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Thomas Elmer

Department: Marketing

I have been a union member on and off most of my life starting as a grocery clerk high school, a Teamster while unloading UPS trucks at night as a college student and now, a proud APSCUF member since coming to West Chester University as an Adjunct Professor in Marketing. When I heard there were not enough hands raised to fill our slate of representatives, I decided to throw my hat in the ring. If picked, I will be a tireless supporter and worker at whatever I am assigned.

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Blaise Frost

Department: Chemistry

Please consider my candidacy for WCU delegate to APSCUF State Legislative Assembly. I have served in this capacity before and did a passable job. I did attend all meetings, and did cast a vote in any elections or motions made. I was especially attentive during, and involved in, meetings in contract years.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Christy Hicks

Department: Special Education

I have served as an APSCUF state delegate for the past three years, and I would like to continue in this role. I have attended the state assemblies each time they are scheduled, and I work to represent the WCU campus community. I also serve as a representative on the State APSCUF Bylaws Committee, so I am in attendance for those meetings prior to the start of each state assembly meeting. Thanks for your consideration.

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Harry D. Holt

Department: Health

I look forward to advocating on the behalf of my colleagues as a APSCUF State Delegate. I look forward to advocating on behalf of my colleagues and to stand in solidarity with other APSCUF members throughout the state system. This effort is to ultimately enable the faculty to serve our students and see them be successful in academics and life. Throughout the past four years I have served as the Department of Health APSCUF co-representative at the university level. Throughout this time my efforts have been focused on encouraging my colleagues (tenure track and adjunct) to become members of APSCUF.

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Clifford Johnston

Department: Mathematics

This past year has seen some remarkable challenges for APSCUF. As a long-serving faculty member in APSCUF leadership, I am very grateful for the overwhelming support and solidarity shown by you, the WCU faculty, for our colleagues across the state system. The coming years will continue to challenge the union. Retrenchment and consolidation will continue for the foreseeable future.

As a State Delegate, I will serve on behalf of the WCU faculty to keep APSCUF focused on those activities that will continue to build solidarity. I have served many years as State Delegate, member of the State-wide Meet and Discuss Team, and currently as state Treasurer. As a State Delegate, I will use this experience to support our local delegation and leadership.

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Seth Kahn

Department: English

I'm running for another term on the APSCUF Legislative Assembly for several reasons. First, over the years I've been on this body, I've developed strong working relationships with delegates from across the system and with our state leadership/staff. Second, a delegation the size of ours benefits from a mixture of new perspectives and continuity, and I'm more than happy to use my experience to support new leaders. Finally, as a purely practical matter, as Chair of the Statewide Mobilization Committee and a regular co-host of the yearly New Delegate Orientation, I'm already attending the assemblies, and at least this way I can participate in them fully.

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Orhan Kara

Department: Economics & Finance

I am thankful that we have APSCUF. I had a chance to see how much it did to help a faculty member first hand; I will be happy to do anything for APSCUF.

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Liam Oliver Lair

Department: Women's & Gender Studies

I am interested in serving as an APSCUF state delegate for several reasons: I am committed to statewide organizing regarding social justice and anti-racist initiatives via our union; I want to continue the work of advocating for substantive support for faculty that the union con provide; I am interested in collaborating across institutions and to build relationships that will strengthen our ability to negotiate and advocate for contracts that allow us to best to our work and to serve our students. I am grateful to be at an institution with a strong union and have long been interested in becoming more involved in the inner workings of the union. I currently serve on the social justice committee of APSCUF here at WCU and see this opportunity as an extension of that work. Thank you for your consideration!

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Lisa Millhous

Department: Communication and Media

I have served in different capacities in our union organization since 1999, including WCU Chapter President and the Statewide Negotiating Committee. I think it is important to celebrate and support new voices in our community, but also important to make sure the WCU voices are heard statewide. I would be honored to serve as a delegate from our campus and would ensure that WCU is thoughtfully represented at the state level.

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Dana Morrison

Department: Educational Foundations & Policy Studies

I believe that our union is best served by active member engagement and transparent communication. In my first term as State Delegate, I worked in collaboration with faculty members across the state system to introduce and pass resolutions that supported efforts of racial and gender justice on our campuses. In my time as delegate, I also routinely reported on the happenings of the legislative assembly, sharing APSCUF updates with my department and college, and seeking feedback.

If re-elected, I will continue this active and transparent work in order to best represent WCU.

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Joseph W. Moser

Department: Languages and Cultures

I have served as alternate APSCUF representative in the Department of Languages and Cultures and would be honored to serve as APSCUF State Delegate.

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Dawn Patterson

Department: Special Education

Since my arrival at WCU in 2015, I have served as a APSCUF Department Representative and for the past two years have served as an Alternate State Delegate. I have been a committed member to both local and state APSCUF as I have disseminated information within my department and across the university. Your vote would be greatly appreciated in order for me to continue in the state rep position on a regular basis.

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Cassandra Reyes

Department: Criminal Justice

I have been actively involved in APSCUF-WCU since I started at WCU in 2009, first as a Criminal Justice Departmental Representative, then as a State Delegate, and the Chair of the Legislative Committee. I have served as a State Delegate since 2012. On the State level, I served on the Legislative Committee Executive Board; I was a Faculty Member at Large on the Executive Council from 2018 to 2020, during which time I served on the Personnel Committee; and I am currently a member of the Statewide Nominations and Elections Committee. If it is the WCU Members'decision, I would be honored to continue serving APSCUF-WCU as a state delegate. I thank you in advance for your support.

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Chris Stangl

Department: Political Science

I have served as a delegate for at least 10 of my 15 years at WCU, and have been involved with APSCUF since my first year here. It should be obvious that these are uncertain and important times for WCU and the state system. It's vital to have a full and active slate of delegates, and I would appreciate your vote.

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I. Larry Udell

Department: Philosophy

I would like to continue to serve as a delegate. I have been a strong supporter of this union since I got here in 1999 as an adjunct, and an equally strong commitment to seeing our State System thrive and survive. I take seriously the obligation of a delegate to represent all the faculty of the university and look forward to continuing in this role.

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Julie Wiest

Department: Anthropology & Sociology

Please consider me for an APSCUF state delegate seat. I have been a department rep for several years, and I also currently serve on the local Meet & Discuss team and as a (non-voting) member of the Executive Committee. I understand the importance of our faculty union, especially in these times, and believe that I am well-prepared to represent WCU-APSCUF at the state level.

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Jamie Woodlief

Department: English

I currently serve a department representative to APSCUF and have done so for many years. I have also served as an alternate State Delegate. I would like the chance to participate in our shared governance and learn more about how the process works to better serve our union in my various roles on campus, especially given the current turbulent climate.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12