
  • This election is for APSCUF State Delegates. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the APSCUF State Delegates election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for APSCUF State Delegates are:

Gerald Abdesaken
Mahmoud Amer
Maria Elena Arias-Zelidon
Julian Azorlosa
Gary Coutu
Margaret Ervin
Erin Gestl
Gabrielle Halko
Robert Haworth
Lauri Hyers
Michael Malcolm
Curry Malott
Maureen McVeigh
James Pruitt
Danielle Skaggs
Chris Stangl
Jeffrey Sudol
Cheryl Wanko

Nominations close Apr 30, 2014.
All APSCUF Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • State Delegates are elected by a plurality of votes cast, with no delegate being elected with less than twenty-five percent of the ballots cast.
    • State Delegate seats will be filled by the candidates with the highest vote count until all seats are filled. The remaining candidates, ranked by highest vote count, will fill seats for Alternate State Delegate until all seats for alternates are filled.

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Gerald Abdesaken

Department: Economics and Finance

As a new member of the West Chester University community, it would be a pleasure to assist APSCUF as a state delegate and contribute to the ongoing discourse regarding important state-university issues. I am interested in union related policy issues and would appreciate this opportunity to represent the University and build a foundation for a future union leadership role. Thanks for your support!

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Mahmoud Amer

Department: Languages and Cultures

Dear colleagues: I am writing to ask for your support in electing me to serve APSCUF as a state delegate. I am currently one of the department APSUCF representatives, and I would be honored to represent the WCU perspective on important statewide issues. As you are aware of the multiple challenges our union is facing, I believe this is an important time for WCU to be fully represented at the statewide level. I am deeply committed to our rights and I have been a strong voice for APSCUF (even in sub-zero temperatures, literally!). Thank you for your time and support.

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Maria Elena Arias-Zelidon

Department: Languages and Cultures

I believe in team work, mutual cooperation and trust to accomplish the goals and expectations of APSCUF. I think it is important to be proactive.

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Julian Azorlosa

Department: Psychology

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Gary Coutu

Department: Geography and Planning

I have served as the APSCUF Department Representative for the last 8 years. I have served on the Executive Committee, as the APSCUF representative for the Associate Vice-President for Sponsored Research Search Committee, and serve as the Membership Committee, Chair. I would appreciate the opportunity to be more involved with State-level activities and help strengthen our connections and relationships with other APSCUF campuses.

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Margaret Ervin

Department: English

I have served in the past as web master for APSCUF, representative on the College of Education Dean's search, as well as serving three non-consecutive terms as a local delegate. I attended strike training during the last contract negotiation. I have tabled for voting, and so on. My roles have been varied. If help is needed at the last minute, I am there. This has given me glimpses into APSCUF governance and the negotiations process, but not the full picture. I look forward to an opportunity to get up to full speed and really learn the contract and net rank governance. You can count I me to give it my all.

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Erin Gestl

Department: Biology

I have served as a representative for Biology since fall of 2007 and have regularly attended the departmental meetings. As a new faculty member, this was a terrific mechanism to learn how the university operated and to interact with other faculty. I would like the opportunity to serve the West Chester University as an APSCUF delegate at the state level.

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Gabrielle Halko

Department: English

In my 8 years at West Chester I've been fortunate to know a number of faculty who are involved in APSCUF and have developed an appreciation for the dedication and responsibility that comes with being a delegate. I'm running for APSCUF State Delegate because it's my turn to assume that responsibility -- this is something that I can do as an individual to strengthen our community -- and because I want a voice in discussions about possible secession, faculty working conditions *including those of adjunct faculty*, and other issues that affect us as a faculty and as a university.

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Robert Haworth

Department: Professional and Secondary Education

This is my second year at West Chester University and I have served as Department Representative for APSCUF since I have taken the position. I have worked in union organizing efforts at University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse, as well as Monash University in Australia. I hope to support our faculty here at West Chester and the larger union, particularly in working in keeping our schools public and more democratic.

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Lauri Hyers

Department: Psychology

I would be happy to serve WCU and APSCUF in this role. Given the recent proposed legislation fiasco, I value our voice IN the union--and our voice AS a union--even more than I did before. This is a small way I can do my part to help keep our voice represented in the state.

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Michael Malcolm

Department: Economics & Finance

I am a tenure-track faculty member in economics. I have both a track-record of working with unions and a substantial research background on the economics of bargaining and negotiation. I believe that these make me well-suited for the position.

As a graduate student, I worked on behalf of the economics department in communicating with our AFL/CIO and AFT-affiliated union regarding a number of timely issues. In particular, teaching and research assistants went through a protracted period with no contract and there was wide divergence in opinions on the best negotiating strategy. I sought consensus among colleagues and we engaged in an extended and ultimately successful dialogue on this issue.

Additionally, I am a game theorist and I have a significant research background and several publications on negotiation and bargaining strategy.

I fully support the objectives of our faculty union and have always believed that unions are an important stabilizing force for employees and institutional credibility against the winds of political change. I think that the economics perspective is important, and I would appreciate your support for this position.

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Curry Malott

Department: Professional and Secondary Education

Please vote for me to be a West Chester University of PA APSCUF State Delegate. I am dedicated to supporting APSCUF and defending affordable, high-quality higher education in Pennsylvania. I will attend State Assembly meetings and fulfill my responsibilities of the position.

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Maureen McVeigh

Department: English

Colleagues: I have been an adjunct at WCU for five years and believe I could represent adjuncts as well as tenured faculty as an APSCUF delegate. I was also a union member at several other colleges and would welcome the chance to work at the state-level and here on campus. Our union has and will continue to face challenges and changes and I would be committed to representing us as well as possible. I'm also an alumna of WCU, so my dedication to our continued success is long-held and very personal. Please support my election to serve as an ASCUF state delegate. Thank you.

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James Pruitt

Department: Chemistry

For the past two years I have been a state representative. The contract negotiations last year were intense. Our faculty's commitment to standing firm on the negotiating strategy and my personal commitment to attending rallies and assemblies demonstrates my desire to be a dedicated and informed representative. In the future as another contract expires, I would like to continue as a state representative and intend to take an active role in helping our campus through this difficult process.

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Danielle Skaggs

Department: Library Services

I have been fortunate to be supported by faculty unions for all of my career in academia, and I would like to give back by serving as an APSCUF State Delegate. Since I am relatively new to APSCUF and West Chester University, I look forward to expanding my knowledge of the issues facing our union; I can also offer the perspective of the non-classroom faculty members of APSCUF.

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Chris Stangl

Department: Political Science

I have served as a delegate for 3+ terms and attended over 20 assemblies. I continue to see them as valuable to understanding WCU's role in the state system and I would like to continue to attend.

Additionally, the last few years have seen important structural decisions made at both the state and campus level. Our past and current presidents at each level have steadily faced some serious challenges. There will be challenges ahead, but I am optimistic about our readiness to face them and hope to continue playing a role.

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Jeffrey Sudol

Department: Physics

Fundamentally, my mission is to improve the quality of education not only for our students at WCU but at large.

Experience: I am a tenured assistant professor with 10 years of teaching experience (7 years at WCU). In 2010, I worked with Senator Dinniman to overturn some poorly drafted state policies regarding secondary education programs. I have served as the Chair of the Secondary Education Forum (SEF) for two terms. During that time, Dr. Townsend and I revised the SEF by-laws to reflect changes in the education curriculum that had occurred over the years. I have been a department representative in APSCUF for the past two years, and I currently serve on the ad-hoc committee regarding temporary faculty evaluations.

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Cheryl Wanko

Department: English

Colleagues: I have served as an alternate to the APSCUF state assembly for one term and then as a full delegate for another. In the “exciting” last several years of budget battles, contract negotiations, and legislative maneuvering, I believe I have been a strong voice for WCU’s concerns as well as a delegate who recognizes the needs of the larger state-wide organization. I have been active in both state-level and local organizing of rallies and PR efforts. I currently represent WCU on the state-wide Public Relations Committee.

I have felt honored to place my energy at the service of my WCU colleagues as a member of state APSCUF, and I ask for your support of my candidacy for state delegate so that I can continue this work as we move into another period of challenges to public higher education.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12