
  • This election is for APSCUF State Delegates. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the APSCUF State Delegates election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for APSCUF State Delegates are:

Mahmoud Amer
Chuck Bauerlein
Claire L. Dente
John Elmore
Blaise Frost
Martin Helmke
Christy Hicks
Frank Hoffman
Clifford Johnston
Joel M. Ressner
Cassandra L. Reyes
Jordan Schugar
Thomas J. Seifried

Nominations close May 6, 2013.
All APSCUF Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • State Delegates are elected by a plurality of votes cast, with no delegate being elected with less thantwenty-five percent of the ballots cast.
    • State Delegate seats will be filled by the candidates with the highest vote count until all seats are filled. The remaining candidates, ranked by highest vote count, will fill seats for Alternate State Delegate until all seats for alternates are filled.

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Mahmoud Amer

Department: Languages and Cultures

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Chuck Bauerlein

Department: Bauerlein

For four of the last five years I have proudly served in the West Chester delegation at the General Assembly as either an elected delegate or as an alternate delegate. I attended all three of the APSCUF delegate assemblies this past calendar year as an alternate delegate and I traveled with my colleagues to protest our lack of a fair contact at a Board of Governors meeting this past January in Harrisburg. I believe strongly in the ideals of our union and I would be honored to serve as a delegate for two more years. Thank you for your consideration.

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Claire L. Dente

Department: Undergraduate Social Work

APSCUF enhances our workplace experience. This semester, I was fortunate to attend APSCUF department representative meetings for a colleague on sabbatical. I am interested in serving APSCUF and faculty more formally through the role of state delegate. At WCU, I serve as my department's Assessment Coordinator, a faculty co-advisor to students in Active Minds at WCU, a member of the CAPC-J subcommittee, and a member of the LGBTQA Committee. I also serve on the Brandywine Division of the Pennsylvania National Association of Social Workers. It would be an honor to represent West Chester University at the state APSCUF meetings.

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John Elmore

Department: Professional & Secondary Education

I have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to serve as a state delegate over the past few years and have learned a so much about our union and the collective bargaining agreement. As we all know, it is a critical time for public education - the neoliberal agenda being advanced here in Pennsylvania and across the country seeks nothing less than its complete destruction, including our public universities. Solidarity, remains our most critical defense. I want to lend whatever I can to this fight and I would appreciate my colleagues support in re-electing me as an APSCUF state delegate.

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Blaise Frost

Department: Chemistry

I am nominating myself for an APSCUF State Delegate position because WCU needs all the representation it can get. I have served as a delegate several times in the past. I know how important this representation is and I know what I am doing. Please consider letting me represent you on this august and vibrant state-wide body. Thanks.

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Martin Helmke

Department: Geology and Astronomy

West Chester University requires a strong and unified delegate representation at state Legislative Assembly. Our institutional strengths and needs are unique, which underscore the importance of a resounding voice at the state level. I served as a state delegate for four years and as the APSCUF representative on the WCU University Safety Committee for the past 7 years. I am qualified and willing to represent WCU for another 2-year term. On a more personal note, I enjoy working with my diverse faculty colleagues from across the state, and I would welcome the opportunity to stand with them to promote high-quality education for Pennsylvanians.

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Christy Hicks

Department: Special Education

I have been a faculty member here at West Chester University for the past two years. During this time, I have come to understand the importance of APSCUF to us as faculty members and to our students. I traveled to Harrisburg to attend the protest during the contract negotiations and returned with the intention of becoming more involved. I believe growing our undergraduate and graduate programs to meet the needs of our current and future students is something we must do to remain competitive; however, I believe it should be done only in a thoughtful and responsible manner. Thoughtful growth will allow higher education to remain financially accessible to students, and it will allow us to continue to provide the high-quality education they have come to expect. I would appreciate the opportunity to serve in this role for our university, and I thank you for your time and consideration.

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Frank Hoffman

Department: Philosophy

My interest is to support public higher education in Pennsylvania. Faculty and students have similar interests in keeping both class size and tuition as low as possible. Faculty deserve a reasonable quality of life when they are ill and when they retire. I believe in this advocacy for public higher education. Currently I am Recording Secretary, Alternate State Delegate, and State APSCUF Gender Issues and Social Justice committee member. I have gone to PASSHE headquarters recently to actively let our collective voice be heard when it was necessary. I've been a Department Delegate to our local "RepCouncil" for many years, and have previously served on the State APSCUF Health and Welfare Committee and State APSCUF Legislative Committee. I would like to be a State Delegate in the coming cycle, and ask that you allow me to continue to work for APSCUF in this way.

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Clifford Johnston

Department: Mathematics

I would like to continue to serve WCU as a representative to the state assembly of APSCUF. Having served at the state level for the past 8 years, I offer our delegation experience and historical perspective. Thank you for your support.

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Joel M. Ressner

Department: Chemistry

I have been a delegate to the State Legislative Assembly since the mid-1980's. One of my main concerns has been curricular and academic policy on a state level, an outgrowth of my experience as a member of CAPC. I have over the years been able to bring back to APSCUF-WCU "breaking news" about such BOG policies as the Academic Passport and the 120-credit mandate. I also have an interest in retirement issues, and have served as the Chair of the APSCUF State Retirement Committee. I hope to once again have the honor of serving WCU faculty as a delegate to the State Legislative Assembly and solicit your support for my candidacy.

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Cassandra L. Reyes

Department: Criminal Justice

I am finishing my fourth year as a faculty member in the Criminal Justice Department and I was elected as an APSCUF-WCU State Delegate in February 2012. I have had the honor to represent the West Chester University Faculty at every State-level Legislative Assembly since I was elected in addition to participating in the Strike Leadership Workshop and Rally at the Board of Governors during winter break along with the State Delegate Strike Authorization Vote meeting. I have been very dedicated to ensure that our voice is heard on the State-level. Additionally, I am serving my fourth year as our APSCUF Departmental Delegate and I regularly attend the Local Department Representatives’ Meetings. Furthermore, I am member of other University committees such as the New Faculty Orientation Committee, the Library Advisory Committee, the Student Leadership Project Team, the Judicial Board, and the LGBTQA Ally Program. Finally, I serve as a Prisoner’s Advocate on the IRB-Human Subjects Committee. I am committed to serving our faculty and I would like to continue as an APSCUF-WCU State Delegate so that we can maintain a strong voice on the State-level. I thank you in advance for your consideration.

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Jordan Schugar

Department: English

Serving as an APSCUF delegate will allow me to continue to participate in the larger conversation about how we as a whole faculty – tenure-track, part-time, full-time, temporary, regular, or irregular – are stronger than our individual parts. Currently, I am one of two temporary faculty representatives on the Faculty Senate as well as a member on the Temporary Faculty Issues Committee. Becoming a delegate is the next logical progression in my professional growth and my pursuit of this service opportunity is not because my statement of expectations requires me to; but because mine, and my non-tenure-track colleagues’ livelihoods, depend on fair and equitable treatment of faculty regardless of rank.

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Thomas J. Seifried

Department: Educational Development

After my 28 year career in the Air Force, I went back to college and obtained my Ed.D., majoring in Adult Education with a minor in Counselor Education. My first position after completion of my degree was at the Penn State Brandywine campus working in Career Services and teaching Introductory Statistics. I have been at WCU for the past eleven years as temporary faculty member working in Pre-Major Academic Advising. Our university has over 525 temporary/part-time faculty and I believe they are in a unique situation, particularly not knowing what their employment status will be academic year to academic year. I believe I can provide a voice for this integral population of our university.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12