
  • This election is for APSCUF State Delegates. The rules for this election are listed below.
  • The nominees for the APSCUF State Delegates election are listed to the right. The list to the right is not a ballot.
  • This list in not official until nominations have been closed and the list of nominees has been reviewed and verified by the APSCUF Nominations and Elections Committee.
  • The statements the candidates submitted with their nominations are given below. By clicking on a name in the list of candidates, you will be taken to that candidate's statement.
  • Clicking on the words Return to Top will return you to this part of the page.
  • If you are a nominee and wish to modify your statement or withdraw your nomination, click on the "Modify" button. You will need your password to make any modifications.
  • When you are finished, you may choose to view nominees for other elections, nominate yourself, view the list of elections, return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections homepage, visit the APSCUF homepage, or visit the WCU homepage.
The nominees for APSCUF State Delegates are:

Gail G. Bollin
Kathleen Devlin-Kelly
Harvey Greisman
Charles Hardy
Yoko Hashimoto-Sinclair
Gus MBuye
Joel Ressner
Ray Zetts

Nominations close Apr 20, 2002.
All APSCUF Faculty may be nominated.

Rules for the Election

    • This election is for 5 State Delegates with 2 year terms, 1 State Delegate with a 1 year term, and 5 Alternates with 2 year terms. The five candidates with the highest vote count will be appointed as State Delegates with terms expiring in 2004, the candidate with the next highest vote count will be appointed as State Delegate with term expiring in 2003, and the five remaining candidates with the highest vote count will be appointed as Alternates with terms expiring in 2004.
    • State Delegates are elected by a plurality of votes cast, with no delegate being elected with less than twenty-five percent of the ballots cast.
    • State Delegate seats will be filled by the candidates with the highest vote count until all seats are filled. The remaining candidates, ranked by highest vote count, will fill seats for Alternate State Delegate until all seats for alternates are filled.
    • If the number of candidates does not exceed the number of positions to fill, each candidate will be voted on by an approve/disapprove ballot. Determination of State Delegates and Alternates in this case will be based on ranking the candidates by the number of approve votes.

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Gail G. Bollin

Department: Elementary Education

I have been a State Delegate for 7 years and take my responsibility seriously to bring back information to my colleagues from the State Assembly and to speak for the interests of West Chester at the Assembly. I currently am serving as the Recording Secretary of WCU APSCUF. I look forward to continuing to serve as a state delegate.

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Kathleen Devlin-Kelly

Department: Nursing

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Harvey Greisman

Department: Anthropology/Sociology

Since my hire in 1979, I have served APSCUF in a number of positions; state delegate, department representative at local delegate assembly, representative to the university Parking Committee, and as a member of CAP.

I have also served the university on TEPSL (now broken out into two committees), faculty senate, the academic standards committee, Phillips lecture committee, and the ADA committee. Within my department, I had several terms as coordinator of the sociology program.

I hope to be of further assistance to my colleagues and the university in the future.

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Charles Hardy

Department: History

Having served as vice president of local APSCUF for close to a year now, and attended delegates assemblies I have learned the value of participation on the state level. They provide wonderful opportunities learn about developments within the state and state system that affect WCU.

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Yoko Hashimoto-Sinclair

Department: Theater Arts

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Gus MBuye

Department: Biology

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Joel Ressner

Department: Chemistry

I have served as APSCUF State Delegate for over a decade. I have been able to use this position to convey curricular concerns to the State Executive Committee, and have been able to bring advance warning of pending problems back to campus. I solicit your support for my candidacy.

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Ray Zetts

Department: Kinesiology

I have served as a member of the WCU state delegation for the past 3 years. I would like to continue serving the WCU Faculty as a state representative. Thank you for the opportunity.

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Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12