Please select one the following elections to view the current nominees or return to the APSCUF Elections and Nominations home page.

Open Nominations:

Closed Nominations: APSCUF | CAPC | FDC | Other | SEL | SENATE | SPEC | TEP

Past Elections: APSCUF | CAPC | FDC | Other | REF | ROFF | SEL | SENATE | SPEC | TEC | TEP

Open Nominations

There are no nominations open at the present time.

Closed Nominations

APSCUF Faculty Union Elections

    APSCUF Coach President.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF Coach Vice-President.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 15 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF State Delegates (inactive form).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (No nominations have been recorded.)

   (Return to list.)

Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee Elections

    CAPC At-large Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Department Representative(s).  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Women's and Gender Studies Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music Music Theory, History, and Composition Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC School of Music Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)

   (Return to list.)

Faculty Development Committee Elections

    University Faculty Development Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Faculty Development Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Faculty Development Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Research Funding Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Research Funding Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)

   (Return to list.)

Other Elections

    .  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CAH Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CAH Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CSM Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CVPA Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Non-classroom Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Non-classroom Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Non-classroom Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Non-classroom Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Non-classroom Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Arts and Humanities Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Arts and Humanities Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Business and Public Management Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Health Sciences Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Science and Mathematics Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research School of Music Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee School of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee School of Health Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee School of Music Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CBPM representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CEDU representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CEDU representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee Non-classroom Faculty representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    TEST Election List.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    University Assessment Advisory Committee CEDU representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    University Assessment Advisory Committee Non-classroom Faculty representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)

   (Return to list.)

Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Elections

    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Health Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Music Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Music Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Music Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)

   (Return to list.)

Faculty Senate Elections

    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 15 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Management Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate School of Education Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate School of Music Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate School of Music Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)

   (Return to list.)

Special Elections

    APSCUF Special Election for CAPC School of MUSIC Department Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for .  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Extension College of Education Special Election for Council for Undergraduate Research.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Non-classroom Faculty Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Commitee.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for APSCUF Alternate Delegate.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Chair representatives for Budget Review Committee College of Education and Social Work.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Chair representatives for Budget Review Committee non-college affiliated chair.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Council of Undergraduate Research School of Music Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee Non-Classroom Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee: Non-Classroom Faculty.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Library Chairperson.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for PTW Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Directors.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium President.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium President.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Secretary.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Secretary.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Treasurer.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Treasurer.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Treasurer.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Vice President.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium/Research Day Chair.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for SEL Committee School of Bus. and Pub. Affairs Rep..  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for SEL Committee School of Health Sciences Rep..  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for SEL Committee School of Music Rep..  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for TEST of BALLOTS.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Testing Server.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Tenure and Promotion Committee Elections

    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Music Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Music Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)

   (Return to list.)

Past Elections

APSCUF Faculty Union Elections

    APSCUF Coach President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Coach President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Coach President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Coach President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Coach President.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Coach Vice-President.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Coach Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Coach Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Coach Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Coach Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Corresponding Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Recording Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 12 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 18 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 15 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 13 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 14 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 8 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 8 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 24 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Vice-President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee Elections

    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 14 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 13 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 13 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 20 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 8 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 11 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 12 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 14 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 13 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 19 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 13 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 14 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 14 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 13 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC At-large Representative.  (There are 11 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities ART AND DESIGN Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Art and Design Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities COMMUNICATIONS STUDIES Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Communication and Media Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Department Representative(s).  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Department Representative(s).  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Department Representative(s).  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Department Representative(s).  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities ENGLISH Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities English Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities HISTORY DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities HISTORY Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities LANGUAGES AND CULTURES Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Languages and Cultures Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities PHILOSOPHY Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities Philosophy Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities THEATRE AND DANCE Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities THEATRE and DANCE Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Humanities WOMENS AND GENDER STUDIES Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management ACCOUNTING Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management ACCOUNTING Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management CRIMINAL JUSTICE Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management Criminal Justice Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management Department Representative(s).  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management Economics and Finance Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management Geography and Planning Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management MANAGEMENT Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management MANAGEMENT Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management MARKETING Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management Marketing Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management PUBLIC POLICY & ADMINSTRATION Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Business and Public Management PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work COUNSELOR EDUCATION Department Representative(s).  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Conselor Education Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work EARLY AND MIDDLE GRADES EDUCATION Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work ED Leadership and Higher Ed Administration Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS & POLICY STUDIES Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS AND POLICY STUDIES Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Early & Middle Grades Education Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work GRADUATE SOCIAL WORK Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Graduate Social Work Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work LITERACY Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work Literacy Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work SECONDARY EDUCATION Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work SECONDARY EDUCATION Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work SPECIAL EDUCATION Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work SPECIAL EDUCATION Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work UNDERGRADUATE SOCIAL WORK Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Education and Social Work UNDERGRADUATE SOCIAL WORK Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences COMMUNICATION SCIENCES & DISORDERS Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences COMMUNICATION SCIENCES AND DISORDERS Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences Department Representative(s).  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences HEALTH Department Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences HEALTH Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences KINESIOLOGY Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences Kinesiology Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences NURSING Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences NUTRITION Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences Nursing Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences Nutrition Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences Physician Associate Education Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences SPORTS MEDICINE Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Health Sciences Sports Medicine Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Science and Mathematics Department Representative(s).  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Science and Mathematics Department Representative(s).  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Science and Mathematics Department Representative(s).  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of Science and Mathematics Department Representative(s).  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics ANTHROPOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics Anthropology and Sociology Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics BIOLOGY Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics Biology Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics Biomedical Engineering Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics CHEMISTRY Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics CHEMISTRY Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics COMPUTER SCIENCE Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics Computer Science Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics MATHEMATICS Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics Mathematics Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics PHYSICS Department Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics PHYSICS Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics POLITICAL SCIENCE Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics PSYCHOLOGY Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics Political Science Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC College of the Sciences and Mathematics Psychology Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Honors College Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Honors College Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Library Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC Library Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Library Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Library Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Library Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Library Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Library Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Library Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Education Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Health Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music APPLIED MUSIC Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music Applied Music Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music MUSIC EDUCATION Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music MUSIC HISTORY, THEORY, AND COMPOSITION Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music Music Education Department Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    CAPC School of Music Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Faculty Development Committee Elections

    University Faculty Development Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee School of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    University Faculty Development Committee School of Music Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Research Funding Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    University Research Funding Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Other Elections

    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching At-large Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CAH Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CAH Representative.  (There are 8 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CAH Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CAH Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CAS Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CAS Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CBPA Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CBPM Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CBPM Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CESW Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CESW Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CESW Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CHS Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CHS Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CHS Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching COE Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CSM Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Non-classroom Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Arts and Humanities Department Representative(s).  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Arts and Humanities Representative(s).  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Business and Public Management Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Education and Social Work Department Representative(s).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Education and Social Work Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of Health Sciences Representative(s).  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Council on Undergraduate Research College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative(s).  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Education Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Evaluation Policy and Training Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee At-large representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee At-large representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee At-large representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee At-large representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee At-large representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CAH representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CAH representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CAH representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CAS representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CBPA representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CBPM representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CBPM representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CBPM representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CESW representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CESW representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CESW representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CHS representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CHS representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CHS representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CHS representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CHS representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CSM representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CSM representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CSM representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee CSM representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee Non-classroom Faculty representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee SOM representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee SOM representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Mentoring Committee SOM representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Assessment Advisory Committee CAS representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Assessment Advisory Committee CHS representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    University Assessment Advisory Committee CPBM representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Referendum Elections

    APSCUF Referendum for APSCUF By-law revision .  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Referendum for APSCUF By-laws.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Referendum for Changes to APSCUF Bylaws.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    APSCUF Referendum for Membership Approval of APSCUF Local Bylaws Revisions.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Referendum for Domestic Partner Benefits.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Referendum for Faculty Senate Constitution.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Referendum for Lisa Milhous Survey.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Referendum for Promotion Policy Procedures.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Run-off Elections

    APSCUF Run-off Election for Treasurer.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Run-off Election for CAPC CAS 1-year term.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Run-off Election for CAPC CAS 3-year term.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Run-off Election for CAPC Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Run-off Election for Remaining CAS TeP seat.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Run-off Election for School of Music Rep to Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Run-off Election for School of Music Rep to Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Run-off Election for Tenure and Promotion Committee CAS Rep.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Run-off Election for Tenure and Promotion Committee CAS Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Run-off Election for Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Ed. Rep.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Elections

    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee School of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Faculty Senate Elections

    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 8 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 15 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 16 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 11 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 12 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 18 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 13 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 11 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 12 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 8 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 19 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 12 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 12 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 8 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 7 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate At-large Representatives.  (There are 9 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College and Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College and Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Humanities Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Humanities Representatives.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Humanities Representatives.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Humanities Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Arts and Sciences Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Management Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Management Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Management Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Management Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Management Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Management Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Business and Public Management Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Education Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Education Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Education Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Education Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Education Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Education Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Education and Social Work Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Education and Social Work Representatives.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Education and Social Work Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Science and Mathematics Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Science and Mathematics Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate College of Science and Mathematics Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Visual and Performing Arts Representatives.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Visual and Performing Arts Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Visual and Performing Arts Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Visual and Performing Arts Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Visual and Performing Arts Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Visual and Performing Arts Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of Visual and Performing Arts Representatives.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate Non-classroom Faculty Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate School of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate School of Business and Public Affairs Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate School of Education Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate School of Education Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate School of Education Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate School of Health Sciences Representatives.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate School of Music Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate School of Music Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Faculty Senate School of Music Representatives.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Special Elections

    APSCUF Special Election for Alternate Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Special Election for Alternate State Delegates.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Special Election for Bylaws Revision.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Special Election for PTW Commitee COE OR CVPA representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Special Election for State Delegate.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    APSCUF Special Election for State Delegates.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Humanities Special Election for CAPC SCHOOL OF MUSIC REPRESENTATIVE.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Associate Vice President for Academic Administration.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for CAPC Representatives.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Council for Undergraduate Research.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Council on Undergraduate Research.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Dean Search Committee Faculty Representative -- CHAIRPERSONS.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Dean Search Committee Faculty Representative -- HUMANTIES and SOCIAL SCIENCES.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Dean Search Committee Faculty Representative -- SCIENCES.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Commitee.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Search Committee for CAS Dean, Chairs.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Search Committee for CAS Dean, Faculty (non-chairs).  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for Search Committee for CAS Dean, Program Director.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    College of Arts and Sciences Special Election for University Budget Committee Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Business and Public Affairs Special Election for Council for Undergraduate Research.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    College of Business and Public Affairs Special Election for Faculty Grants Development Committee.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Business and Public Affairs Special Election for Search Committee Member, Associate VP for Academic Administration .  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Business and Public Affairs Special Election for University Budget Committee Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Education Special Election for Council on Undergraduate Research.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Education Special Election for Search Committee Member, Associate VP for Academic Administration .  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Education Special Election for University Budget Committee Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Health Sciences Special Election for Council for Undergraduate Research.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Health Sciences Special Election for Search Committee Member, Associate VP for Academic Administration .  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Health Sciences Special Election for University Budget Committee Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Visual and Performing Arts Special Election for Council for Undergraduate Research.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Visual and Performing Arts Special Election for Faculty Grants Development Committee.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Visual and Performing Arts Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Commitee.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    College of Visual and Performing Arts Special Election for Search Committee Member, Associate VP for Academic Administration .  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    College of Visual and Performing Arts Special Election for University Budget Committee Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Election for APSCUF Executive Positions.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Non-classroom Faculty Special Election for Council for Undergraduate Research.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Non-classroom Faculty Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Non-classroom Faculty Special Election for Library Chairperson.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Non-classroom Faculty Special Election for University Budget Committee Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    School of Health Special Election for Faculty Senate Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    School of Music Special Election for CAPC Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special All Faculty Election for PASHE Faculty Council WCU Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special All Faculty Election for PASSHE Faculty Council WCU Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special All Faculty Election for Presidential Search Committee.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for APSCUF STATE DELEGATE (CORRECT BALLOT).  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for At-Large Search Committee Members, Assistant VP for International Programs.  (There are 10 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Budget Review Committee.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Budget Review Committee.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Budget Review Committee Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Budget Review Committee Faculty Representatives.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Budget Review Committee Rep (CESW/SOM).  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Budget Review Committee Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for CAPC Honors College Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for CAS Faculty Associate.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for COE Faculty Associate.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Chair Representative to Budget Review Committee .  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Chair of the Department of Communication Studies.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Chair of the Department of Languages and Cultures.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Chair of the Department of Marketing.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Chairperson of Marketing Department.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Department Chair.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Department Chair, Marketing.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee (At-Large Seats).  (There are 11 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee CAS Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee CAS Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee CVPA Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee College of Arts and Science Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee College of Education Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee College of Health Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee Non-Classroom Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee, At-Large Representatives.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee: At Large Seats.  (There are 14 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee: College of Arts and Humanities.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Mentoring Committee: College of Education and Social Work.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Professional Development Representative to PASSHE.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Representative to Presidential Search Committee.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Faculty Reps. to Assoc. Provost Search Committee.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Library Chair, Spring 2014.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Library Chairperson.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Library Department Chairperson.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Library Department Chairperson.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Library Department Chairperson.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Library Department Chairperson.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Marketing Department Chair.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for President Search Committee.  (There are 11 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Promotion and Tenure Workshop Committee Members from CBPA and COE.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Public Affairs-- Search Committee for CBPA Dean.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for RESEARCH CONSORTIUM DIRECTOR.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Directors.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Directors .  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Directors (3 seats).  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Secretary.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Treasurer.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Vice President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Vice President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Consortium Vice President are.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Constortium President.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Research Constortium President .  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for SEL Committee School of Education Rep..  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Special Election for School of Business-- Search Committee for CBPA Dean.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for School of Music Representative to Sabbatical and Educational Leave Committee.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Special Election for Testing New Election Tools.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Special Election for WCU Representative to IFC.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Teacher Education Council Elections

    Teacher Education Council College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Teacher Education Council College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Teacher Education Council College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Teacher Education Council School of Health Representative.  (No nominations have been recorded.)
    Teacher Education Council School of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Teacher Education Council School of Music Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Teacher Education Council School of Music Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

Tenure and Promotion Committee Elections

    Tenure and Promotion Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee CVPA Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of ARTS or SCHOOL of MUSIC Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Humanities Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 5 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 6 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Arts and Sciences Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Business and Public Management Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education Representative.  (There are 3 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Education and Social Work Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There are 4 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Health Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of Science and Mathematics Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee College of the Sciences and Mathematics Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee Non-classroom Faculty Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Business and Public Affairs Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Education Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Education Representative.  (There are 2 people currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Health Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Music Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)
    Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Music Representative.  (There is 1 person currently nominated.)

   (Return to list.)

The electronic nomination form is located here.

Return to the APSCUF Nominations and Elections home page

Created and copyrighted by Clifford Johnston, 2000-12